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Gaining Of Self Identity In Society

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Gaining of Self Identity in Society
Gaining identity of self and identity is very important

Self-identity refers to the awareness of one’s true inner self through various natural procedures like meditation, yoga and naturopathy. Knowing about oneself is very necessary as one comes to know about hidden secrets that might be becoming an obstacle in your way to achieve success. Therefore, it is crucial to have self-identity so as to carry on the process of self-development.

Identity crisis is a major problem that is faced by various people these days as due to hectic schedules people are not able to concentrate on knowing their own strengths and weaknesses. Self-identity can be achieved when one starts taking criticism from the society but take it in a positive sense. Every society has some or the other shortcomings and therefore they criticize people, which hamper the development of the self.

Individualism has made the lives of people more self-centered and they often neglect the well being of the society. When people value their ego more than the well being of their fellows it stands as a threat to the process of self-development. Therefore, it is necessary for an individual to know one’s value and place in society so as to shape up his or her personality in the true sense. Moreover, as self-identity is important, self-control, self-awareness and self-consciousness are also very crucial to achieve the development of the self and society.

As the number of crimes is increasing, people have lost trust in institutions and other organizations and that result in slow growth of the society physically, emotionally and financially. The position of an individual in a society is revealed by a person’s character and behavior. For example if an individual is not aware of his or her own vices and virtues, he or she will be easily defeated or even threatened by the external factors. Therefore, to face the society, it is necessary to first know about one’s own identity and then face others.

There are cases when people do not find a right place in the society and his or her identity seems to be lost somewhere in the hustle and bustle of hectic life. If an individual is badly treated by others in the society, he or she develops negative or evil feelings towards them and revenge is the only thing that comes to his or her mind. Moreover, if this revenge is not taken, it results in anxiety, abuse, depression and various other severe conditions. Nevertheless, if an individual is able to handle these types of feelings with great ease, he or she gains confidence and the result is development of the self and of the society as a whole. The most important thing for an individual is to develop a link or two-way process with others around them so that they can easily share their burdens and joys and thereby developing the self in the most possible extent.

Inspiration also contributes a lot in gaining awareness and confidence. Nevertheless, inspiration should be a positive one as when a person is highly influenced by a person; he or she should take the positive attributes so that the development of the self can be achieved easily. Experiences also play an important function in attaining self-identity. There are some conditions when an individual has sorrowful past experiences. In this case, people should try to come out of the emotional trauma and face the present situations with courage so that self and societal development can be done properly.

Thus, one should not regret about the past or ill treatment from the society but should try to find and adopt ways to know the true identity of the self and society.
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Gaining Self Confidence To Succeed In Anything!

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Where does self confidence come from? How do we get it? Why don’t I have it? The answer to all of these questions can be answered with one word – you! Self confidence starts with you, your perception of yourself, and what other people think about your actions or behavior.

For some of us, a lack of self confidence only affects our high ambitions. You might have always wanted to get up on stage, or to be a professional singer or actor for example. Perhaps your life dream is ...

self confidence, self esteem

Article Body:
Where does self confidence come from? How do we get it? Why don’t I have it? The answer to all of these questions can be answered with one word – you! Self confidence starts with you, your perception of yourself, and what other people think about your actions or behavior.

For some of us, a lack of self confidence only affects our high ambitions. You might have always wanted to get up on stage, or to be a professional singer or actor for example. Perhaps your life dream is to travel the world, visit different countries or cities, but you don’t have the self confidence to do it. For others, the problem of self confidence is much closer to home - in the office, business meetings, public speaking events or presentations.

Self confidence issues affect most of us at some time, and we can usually find ways of getting around the problem. Avoidance is one tactic we often use – if we can get out of an intimidating situation we’ll make up excuses not to take part. However, there are times when we can’t get out of it, or we really don’t want to. If a lack of self confidence is preventing you from doing trying something new, or from succeeding in your working life, it’s time to do something about it.

The starting point in improving your self confidence is understanding what causes the problem. Low self esteem, not believing in yourself or your ability, feeling inadequate compared to your colleagues or friends or maybe some kind of trauma from your childhood are all contributing factors. By examining the reasons for your low self confidence, you’re halfway there!

Taking positive action to overcome your fears is the next step to help boost your self confidence. A simple way to do this is by taking on small challenges. You have allowed your brain to associate certain events or actions with fear, so you’ve already pre-empted the outcome of these situations. By taking a small step towards conquering this, you’ll find that the result is most likely not as bad as you think – in fact, you’ll probably be surprised about how good you feel and your self confidence will instantly increase.

When you’ve completed your first small challenge, congratulate yourself on achieving your aim. A small reward can often help. You’re already on the right path to improving your self confidence, so you’re ready to take it to the next level. This doesn’t need to be a huge task; you don’t want to undo all the good work. Building up your self confidence takes time, and while you might want to leap ahead, it can be a good idea to take things slowly at first. Steadily increase the risks you’re taking to get your self confidence to where you want to be. Risk taking does not, of course, mean jumping off a bridge, but the perceived risk of something happening as a result of your actions is usually the biggest barrier with self confidence.

Self confidence problems are common for most people, and there are excellent resources to learn to deal with these issues, but if you do have severe difficulty facing certain situations you should seek professional help.


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