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Fronting Problems For Self Identity In Society

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Fronting Problems for Self Identity in Society

The theoretical and mental understanding of one’s own existence is known as ‘self-identity’. It is like a total of an individual’s understanding and awareness of his or her own inner self. People sometimes get confused between the concept of self-consciousness and self-identity but in actuality self-consciousness is like awareness of one’s self and self-identity includes the psychological, physical and social qualities of an individual. These attributes get reflected through an individual’s beliefs, habits and ideas.

In today’s hectic and mechanical world, we neglect or simply forget who they are and what position they hold in society. There are many people who often ask themselves about their own identity and fail to get an answer to their query. Therefore, one should understand their value and place in the society and then only he or she will be able to know his or her real identity. Self-identity is not discovered by vaguely asking oneself but by self-awareness. If a person will not know his or her true nature, he or she can never know their real identity and this may become as an obstacle in their path to achieve self-development.

As man is a social animal, he needs the company of other creatures so that he can share his sorrows and joys with them. Therefore, society is regarded as an important ingredient in everyone’s life. What our true identity is gets reflected in the standing and reputation we have in the society. Nevertheless, as there is cutthroat competition in every walk of life these days, the society has become corrupt and people have grown the feelings of hatred and jealousy in their heart towards other fellow creatures.

The most prominent problem that a large number of people face today is the anxiety or tension. This anxiety gets cropped up in an individual through various sources, such as from his or her own self or from the notions of the society. A person cannot lead the life of a recluse and therefore he or she has to interact and relate themselves with the others around them. The society in which we live follows age-old traditions and thinking and this hampers the overall development of an individual’s self. Thus, to overcome the tensions of everyday life, it is important to believe in yourself and try to overhear the taunts and negative thinking of other people in the society.

There are various methods to overcome the stress that is due to the problems of self-identity and place in the society. The most striking of them is to read motivational and inspirational things so that the negative thinking can be replaced with the positive one and thereby reducing the level of anxiety. The second way is to take guidance or help from a counselor or a therapist so that the cause of your anxiety can be detected and then accordingly one can work to overcome this monstrous stress.

One can also relax and rejuvenate oneself by meditation, yoga, aromatherapy or other natural treatments that has no side effects on the human mind and body and they help in overcoming the tensions that damage the rational faculty of an individual. Exercising also contributes a lot in solving the problems of self-identity and other societal differences.

Last but not the least, self-awareness and self-control are very important factors that proves beneficial in knowing oneself of his or her strengths and weaknesses so that the external threats can be faced with great courage and zeal. Go online to find other help with cultivating your zeal for the self-identity in society.
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BONUS : Fruits of the Self Identity of Self in Society

There are various aspects of life that govern self-identity. The various elements, which help in the development of self-identity of an individual, are confidence, self-discipline, feelings, emotions and thoughts. There is a difference between feelings and emotions. Feelings are measured to a restricted area whereas emotions are on a wider perspective. Emotions include feelings and thoughts. The other things such as attitudes, behaviors of a person play a vital role in the growth of self-identity. We must learn and understand this to succeed at establishing our identity.

Self of a soul governs self-identity of a person. The self of a person helps to act and think. This means that a person’s action develops his self-identity. For developing self-identity leadership qualities are required such as honesty, values, vision, knowledge and persistence. Self-leadership qualities of a person include self-identity, personal growth and self-regulation. When a person starts analyzing himself, he comes across his positive and negative aspects. This needs self-understanding of your own self. The other thing required for understanding yourself, self-awareness plays an important role. Self-understanding of the soul also includes recognizing about person’s weakness, strengths, needs and emotions.

Self-awareness, self-understanding is both interlinked. Self-confidence also governs self-identity. Self-awareness also helps in bringing about the nature of a person and how can he be perceived by others.

When a person plans to achieve his goals and ambitions, self-assessment of the soul is required. This means by self-assessing your self and soul, a person comes across his capabilities and abilities. For the fulfillment of goals and ambitions of a person, self-confidence is required. Self-confidence will help a person to cultivate his abilities to bring a positive outcome. The last feature comes as self-consciousness, which makes a person know about his behaviors and feelings. These leadership qualities help a person in cultivating his self-identity. These are the fruits sown in a human soul and mind.

Self-identity of a person should be impressive because then only the person is accepted by the society. Evil people are not accepted by the society. It is the people who form society. Human beings are a part of society. They play a vital role in the formation of society. That is without them the society cannot be formed. A person’s self, which consists of envy, sloth, pride, lust, anger, gluttony and lechery, are thrown out of the society. This is their self-identity.
An individual’s self should spread happiness, joy, love, affection in other’s life.

In this way a person’s self-identity is tested. Self-improvement of soul is very necessary for a strong and efficient self-identity.

Self-discipline helps in building a person’s will power and further enhances him for motivation in life. Self-discipline is a tool that connects a person’s past with the present and then to his future. It is sowed first and then reaped. A person who is self-disciplined in his life can easily achieve goals and ambitions. It becomes a habit. Self-discipline is a key to success. A person, who is not disciplined and serious in life, leads to serious implications. Planning in life can lead to self-discipline. A person’s priorities should be set to face challenges.

Self-discipline should be passionate. A person can exercise self-discipline in his life by working out various exercises such as meditation, yoga and aerobics.

A person’s mind should be stable and balanced. If a person is facing any problem in life, he can refer to a psychologist. A psychologist will solve all the problems of a person. A person will soon see a change in his life and will feel relax. The fruits will immediately ripe and are ready for consuming.


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