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Dynamics Of Building Self Esteem In Children

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Dynamics of building self-esteem in children

One of the main things that a person should have in order to become successful and to lead a long and happy life is to have a full trust in himself and his capabilities. Loving yourself enough to know your limitations and your strengths is one of the ingredients in leading a life of contentment.

There is really no sure answer as to how and where self-esteem springs from. Some psychologists say that it is the function of the personality that has been acquired from both parents. Parents who have high self-esteem will most likely produce children who are also confident.

Some sectors however say that genetics does not play a role. Rather, it is the function of chance. Some people are just born to have high self-esteem while others are born with low ranges much like what happens with intelligence quotients.

Some psychologists however argue that most of the development of the self-esteem happens in the environment. Personal experience, parental practices, choice of friends and discovery of talents play a major role in determining just how much self-esteem a person will develop.

Personal experiences come in the form of bullying in school and social group interactions. Children who have experience much bullying in school will develop low self-esteem. The same goes with children who remain on the outside of the social group.

Parental practice and the example that they give can also play a large role in determining the development of the self-esteem. A person for instance who has parents who trusts him to make his own decisions, is not over-protective and treats him like an adult will most likely have high self-esteem compared to children who have parents who coddle him, those who are strict and those who see him so helpless like a child, incapable of making his own decision. It is important then for parents to think about their parental behavior for they will greatly affect how their child will grow up.

The choice of friends and the social group that one belongs to can also cushion and develop the self-esteem. Becoming part of a group that embraces a person’s individual traits and respects their own opinions will help develop the self-esteem. This is rapid contrast to a social group that seeks to put down the person. Social groups can also cushion the person against the threats of outside forces that can destroy or lower the self-esteem.

Cliques can also play a role. Being part of the high school populars, for instance, can strengthens one’s ego compared to being part of the group that is ostracized.

Having a talent or an ability that can stand out from the crowd is also another thing that can boost a person’s self-esteem. If he can offer something that people will admire, his trust and confidence in himself will strengthen. Affirmations, accolades and admirations are great ego boosts to people. This is perhaps why people who have achievements because of their own talents have higher self-esteem than others.

Still, having high self-esteem in one aspect of one’s life does not mean that the high self-esteem will also apply in other sectors. For instance, a person can be ultra confident in one’s school work but become a bumbling idiot when it comes to social interactions and emotional entanglements. There are only a few people who can achieve the right balance of self-esteem in all aspects of life.
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BONUS : Effective Conscious in Self Identity
Self and Society

We can expand our conscious mind to ensure that we are capable of finding our self-identity and self in society. When our conscious and developmental skills are underdeveloped, we often fall short of discovering who we are.

Some of the best ways to advance our consciousness is to probe into the subliminal mind by practicing meditation daily. This area of the mind houses secreted messages that could disclose truths to you. We tend to fall short of expectations, but we can correct this problem by considering self-growth.

Instead of letting stress get in the way of self-growth, we all must learn to thrive on stress. Stress can be harmful and affect our performance and success in life. In order to reduce stress, thus clearing up space for self-growth one must probe into the mind to find negative patterns that cause stress and then move to reprogram the thoughts to positive.

Reprogramming your mind to positive, you can grow successfully, thus finding your self-identity. Use meditation practices to expand your ability to focus. Start probing into your mind and begin cleaning up the negative thoughts. Each time you find a piece of the puzzle from exploring self, thus write down what you learn. Write down your feelings and thoughts. This will help you advance faster. Don’t let these thoughts control your progress.

By delving into the mind, you will expand the conscious mind while you are making changes to make your life easier. When you write down your discoveries it is brings the negative thoughts out, which makes the process of reprogramming easier. Once you’ve began probing the mind you will find answers too many questions.

Use what you put on paper to your advantage. Reread your thoughts often to help keep your mind focused and thinking positive. Each time something negative slips in while making your changes, stop and focus so that you can rethink the problem. By reminding yourself often of the goals you’ve decided to reach, you’ll be able to reprogram your mind to act in a positive way.

Reprogramming your mind to think positive will help you, since it strengthens the mind, thus moving you toward effective conscious and self-growth. By relieving stress, your conscious mind will expand. You will begin focusing on each goal separately. You grow stronger by making better decisions with a winning attitude.

Using meditation skills to relax will give you power from excelled development skills you have accomplished. As you begin to notice things are, looking up in your world you’ll have more confidence in yourself.

Meditation will help you relax. It will also boost your energy. You will develop healthy skills, such as self-control, which gives you power in the way you live and perform. Meditation will help you to breathe slow and deep for relaxing when making difficult decision with stress. As you relax, you’ll find focusing is easier and more successful in the end.

Don’t expect a miracle overnight when practicing meditation for growing in effective conscious and self-development skills. It takes time to learn. Practice will make you stronger and the skills of meditating for success will encourage you to make constructive changes.

You probably won’t notice any changes in your performance right way. Other people will notice and like the new person in you however. As you learn to focus and relax, your communication skills will increase letting you carry on conservation with skill and confidence. Don’t be afraid to say how you feel by giving your opinions with ease.

Your vocabulary will increase letting you say new things in a way that is interesting for others to listen to.

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