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Development Of Self Identity Through Society

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Development Of Self Identity Through Society

A person’s self identity is really important to exist in society. People work hard to maintain their self-esteem and self-dignity. Both these elements are required in the development of self-identity. There are so many people who work hard to achieve their goals and ambitions. So, that they can maintain or develop their self-identity. The self identity of self is built in society surroundings only. It is the society, which helps a person to develop his self identity.

Self-discipline in a person’s surroundings solves the purpose of self to act and think to a large extent that is a part of self-identity. It is very important in life as Self-discipline helps a person to achieve his goals and ambitions. If a person follows the path of Self-discipline, he will never have any problems at the time of reaching his destiny. He does not have to compromise in his life. Self-discipline is a key to success. It is a cultivated process; it will connect a person’s past to present and further to future.

Planning is very necessary when a person is thinking about his goals and ambitions. Planning comes under self-discipline. Self-discipline helps a person to build his confidence level. Without any fear a person can follow his self and move ahead in life. Self-discipline solves the purpose of emotional self-hostage by making aware of the cause and effects of negative emotions.

If a person wants any guidance regarding his problems then he can take help from a psychologist. He will really get help in solving his problems. A person should always maintain a balance when it comes to his problems in life.

When it comes to achieving goals a person should be aware of his deeds. A person should think on a wider perspective on what is needed in society. That is self identity needs to be expanded as it will include all the things a person plans to achieve. If a person thinks about his goals according to the society’s perspective, he will definitely be successful. A person’s identity changes according to time and surroundings. This process of self identity is quick and steady. Self identity also fluctuates due to circumstances.

Self identity of a person is reality of his life. An individual self is to act and think governs the self identity of that individual. The inner and outer self both govern the self identity of a person. If a person compares his own self to another person he will realize the difference. This means that a renowned person has more fame in the society as compared to a normal employ.

The self identity of a renowned person will be more appealing as compared to the normal employ. Both pf their frequency will never match. It will only match when a normal employ reaches the level of the other person. A person desires also frame self identity. When a person will start fulfilling his desires he reaches the point of equilibrium. This point will further enhance his self identity in society. Emotions, feelings help a lot in development of self. People who have good feelings for other person are always accepted by the society. People make society that is they form society.

The key to self identity is success. A person has to shift his awareness level and has to focus specifically on it. An individual just has to do a little hard work by keeping a quick pace. Confidence ability in a person is very important to achieve self identity. A person will achieve the confidence level from self identity in his surroundings. He will now feel confident while talking, thinking and acting. Therefore, confidence level will help in the development of self identity in society surroundings.

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BONUS : Discover Self Identity

Human beings are complex individuals and no one can understand this thing much better than we, humans ourselves. Humans have always been termed as social animals and it is very true indeed.

People need a society, which they can live in, find their place in the society and develop meaningful relations with other fellow human beings. People keep trying to understand other individuals all through their lives but surprisingly, they often fail to understand their inner selves, the purpose of their lives and their relation with their inner selves and identity of the society.

Every individual has three distinctive sides to his personality. His outer self which he presents to the world, his private self which is mostly deep seated somewhere in his personality and forms the core of his inner self. The third side of an individual’s personality is his mirror or perceived self. This is that aspect of a person as the world at large and he himself believes him to be like.

Among these three selves, remains lost our self-identity and identity of the society, which needs to be acknowledged well in time in order to progress and tread on the path of self-development. A person’s public self, which he exhibits to the world, can often be the most deceiving one. If a person is quite extrovert and is considered very outgoing by his peers, he is expected to be highly optimistic, high energy and motivated in life. Nevertheless, in reality, it may be possible that an individual may be quite its opposite. In such cases, the concerned person always feels the need to mask his inner self and present an identity of what the world perceives him to be. In the process of constantly putting up with a fake exterior, he may lose touch with his inner self and his real identity.

Our inner self will remain hidden by rest of the world most of the times. It will only surface itself when an individual is faced by problems and uphill challenges in his life. The obstacles and difficulties faced by an individual can reveal a person to the best. In such situations, he forgets all about his fake exterior and his inner persona is what takes over. Thus, it will not be an exaggeration to say that our self-identity is best revealed to ourselves and the society, when we are faced with troubles and difficult situations in life.
Several people are often confused between the concepts of self-image and inner self.

Self-image can be best defined as what we perceive of ourselves to be. It could be wrong or right depending upon how accurately a person is able to perceive himself. However, our inner self is free from all such misappropriations. It is dependent on the way our conscience works and is gradually shaped up after being influenced by a lot of factors. These factors include an individual’s past experiences and the expectations of other people from him.

However, people often tend to ignore the lessons learnt from their past experiences and tend to give much more importance to what society thinks and expects out of them. This is one of the main factors, which prevent them from progressing further in life, and they fail to figure out any meaningful relationship between themselves and the society.

Several psychologists and experienced philosophers are of the belief that people who are able to understand themselves and their relation with the society in the better manner, are generally the ones who are hailed by the society for their accomplishments in life and are considered as role model by their fellow members in the society.


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