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Developing Self Esteem During Childhood

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Developing Self Esteem During Childhood

The building of self-esteem starts in childhood. This means that as parents you have a responsibility to help your son or daughter to have a healthy self-image of him or herself. A healthy self-image is the cornerstone of good self-esteem.

How important is self-esteem in a child's development? Developing self-esteem during childhood is very crucial. This is because it could affect the child in every stages of his or her development. How he looks at him or herself will definitely affect his or her future relationships, career development, confidence, prosperity and even happiness. Studies have shown that one of the traits happy people share is having a positive self-image of themselves.

How does a parent that his or her child has a healthy self-image? There are several ways to do this. Below are just some of the things you can do to develop your child's self-esteem.

Never compare your child with other children

The single most devastating thing a parent can do to ruin his or her child's self-esteem is to compare him or her with other children. Unfortunately, comparisons are very much a part of our culture particularly our schooling system. One of the ways a child gets compared to other children is through peer pressure.

Every child knows that there is tremendous pressure from other children, particularly from the ones in school to conform to the ways of a certain group. That is why in school you can see several cliques and these groups can be identified with different labels. There are the jocks, the jerks, the nerd or geek, the addict, the slut, etc. These groups are inherently not bad but oftentimes group's identity precedes the individual's identity which could lead into a loss in identity and eventually low self-esteem.

To most adults these are just groups and labels but for a young innocent child the cliques are their world. Your child intentionally or not gets labeled and his or her tendency to is group with the ones with similar ideas and interests.

Always praise and encourage your children

When you talk to your child, always remember to use positive and encouraging words. If your child has done something praiseworthy then do not hold back on the kind and beautiful words. Doing so will do wonders for your kid's self esteem. It does not matter whether the act is big or small. If he did something good then praise him for it. There is nothing more discouraging than the feeling of not being appreciated for the things that you have done.

Praising and encouraging children provides them with a positive self image of themselves. For them, it means that they are important enough for you to notice and recognize their achievements in life.

By constantly giving kind encouraging words to children, you can ensure that they will grow healthy psychologically.

Of course if they did something wrong, children should be reprimanded. But should do it in a way that it won't hurt their ego and damage their esteem. Whenever they have done something that is less than d desirable always make it clear to them that you are not in favor with the deed and not with them.

Remember, developing your child's self-esteem is very important in his or her progress. Just follow the guidelines to make sure that your kid will grow up mature emotionally and mentally.

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BONUS : Developing Self Esteem through Homeschooling

In a lot of ways homeschooling a shy child in developing self esteem can be beneficial both emotionally and intellectually. Although there is truth that a child needs to learn how to socialize because they will need it as they go through life, thrusting a child into the crowded hallways of school can be quite overwhelming for them and they may end up having social anxiety attacks they may not be able to get over with which will only be counterproductive for them. With the help of homeschooling a child can feel more comfortable and confident in social settings by letting them learn social skills at their own pace.

Learning to Socialize and Getting the Smarts

The biggest concern of most parents in placing their child through homeschooling is that their children won’t be able to learn to socialize with others. But what most parents don’t know is that exposing their child through a classroom setting is not the only way a child could learn how to socialize and neither is it the best way to learn social skills.

It is true that a shy child will have difficulties adjusting to a classroom environment especially when it comes to fitting in and getting along with their sociable classmates. These kids are usually quiet, nervous or inept in a social environment which makes it hard for them to make friends in a classroom environment and end up feeling more alone and unconfident. Aside from this, these children end up being victims of bullying since they become targets of those who like to pick on others who stand out. In this case these kids standout because of their shyness.

These are just some of the issues that a shy child can go through in a classroom environment and more often than not is what causes the problem. If a child is placed under homeschooling they can learn to socialize at their own pace, develop self esteem and gain confidence without being victims of cruel judgment by other children.

Another reason to consider homeschooling is that a child finds it difficult to learn in a stressful environment. A child can get stressed out if they get anxious thinking about what’s in store for them in school which can cause them lose concentration in class. They end up not participating in class and not asking questions to their teachers because they don’t want to get noticed. And if they find themselves in a big class, teachers don’t even notice them so they can give them due attention. Through homeschooling a child is able to learn in a comfortable and nurturing environment.

It’s Time to get Homeschooled

Shy children need a lot of encouragement to conquer their shyness but getting them all stressed out will not help them. You need to find the right balance for your child. For instance, if a child is uncomfortable in a large crowd but thrives on a one-on-one environment you can schedule play dates with them that involve one and eventually more children as they continue to build their confidence.

Another way you can help your shy child in developing self esteem while they go through homeschooling is through group classes like music, art or hobby classes where they can make friends with other children of the same interest which in turn makes them feel accepted. Allowing your child to join such groups gives them the confidence they need in a social setting.

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