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Building Your Confidence With Self Esteem

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Building your Confidence with Self-Esteem

Much has been said about the spheres of power as an individual goes through the phase of wanting to achieve greater heights, but it is also basically important to begin with building your confidence with self-esteem before taking a step further.

Initially, knowing the basics of leadership, influence or success start off as a personal quest in dissecting the individual psyche, that of developing the person to be confident in himself through building self-esteem and the desire to succeed.

But what exactly is self esteem?

In essence, it is someone’s personal appraisal or evaluation of a person’s own worth.

Simply put, it is the sense of how a person establishes self-worth, which ultimately shapes the path for a person’s quest in life, it is the concept of personality which can only be determined by the person himself.

Extensive research has been poured out to give definition to self esteem and how it plays an important role in personal ambition and residual success, how it help shapes a person’s character and also play a key role in developing personal priorities.

In the field of psychology, the studies and researches on self-esteem has constantly been intended to explore and discover what people generally believe they need to be doing to establish their worth or value as a person, as well as the underlying effects of those beliefs.

This personal pursuit is then responsible for that individual sense of satisfaction of basic human needs for independence, better learning, autonomy, physical health, mental stability, relationships and self regulation.

There are several motivators behind the pursuit for self esteem and what people commonly associate as the primary driver for establishing their self worth.

Virtue is one of those drivers for self-esteem as it defines a person’s good qualities and the need for high merit, both personally and socially.

Virtue answers the need for an individual’s desire for acceptance into a social network.

Another motivator in the quest for self-esteem is a person’s quest for God’s love, regardless of a person’s religious belief or affinity.

Man’s innate need for a deity or a worship figure is surprisingly one of the most important need man aspires for in order to be at peace with himself, eventually resulting to a positive self-esteem.

Many career-driven people, on the other hand, point out that there are also other factors that drive self-esteem.

First there’s academic competence, which has become a yard stick and a measuring tool for those wanting to achieve greater opportunities in landing a well-paying and rewarding career.

Others also feel confident about getting their self-esteem by way of enhancing their own physical appearances, especially those wanting to look more attractive, upon which their self-esteem is dependent in the outcome of their desire to become physically attractive.

There are some who simply believes that by just gaining the approval of others, regardless of whether it be a personal, selfless or unsolicited action, they are able to acquire that sense of fulfillment and boost their self-esteem.

To sum it all up, there are a variety of means and numerous ways for people to know what can help them boost their self-esteem and acquiring it is a foundation and stepping stone to reaching those dreams and ambitions, knowing that building your confidence with self esteem is the next best thing to fulfillment and satisfaction.
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BONUS : Building your Self Esteem

A lot of people are hard on themselves. It is always good to hear people say that they do not compete with other people because they only have to outdo their selves. This is a good attitude because when you focus on yourself, you develop at your own pace and you don not see yourself at a loser.

There are times though when this becomes negative because a person becomes too criticizing of himself or herself. There is no worst critic than yourself because once you believe in the negative self worth you put in your mind, you could easily crumble with whatever negative the world will throw at you. A low self esteem is one of the greatest enemies of a person because losing it is like losing oneself.

Before it is too late, let us focus on building self esteem. It is important always be optimistic. Most people you meet are cynical these days but there is no reason for you to join the crowd. Being optimistic means capitalizing on the good and positive. No matter how bad the situation or how things maybe so difficult for you, there are always good and positive things to turn to.

You do not have to lose touch of reality to be optimistic. You just have to learn how to deal with a sad situation with a happy disposition or a really bad scenario with a hopeful disposition. It should also not stop within yourself because you have to practice optimism to other people and ideally wherever you find yourself at.

Helping other people is also another way to build self esteem. You do not have to be rich to help other people so do not wait until you are a millionaire before you start being charitable. There are other things you can share with other people to help uplift their lives.

If you have a special talent like teaching then do volunteer work at your community school for the under privileged or be part of your church choir. Besides we all know how blessed are those people who give more that what they have. Sincerely helping other people will make you feel good of yourself after all you do not give away kindness because kindness always comes back to you and usually at a time you need it the most.

Do not be so hard on yourself. It is okay to dream big dreams. We are always told to reach for the top but set realistic expectations and goals for your self so that if you fail or if you lag behind your timetable you do not immediately feel so bad instead you look at ways on how to get back on track.

Try and try until you succeed should be your mantra and believe that you can do it. There may be people to help you but it is really up to you. The fact that you dreamed it, you are capable of achieving it because that dream cam from the inner whispers of your soul and you cannot deny yourself that.

Having self esteem is like having a self that is ready for whatever is ahead whether it is good or bad. Always in the end, you will be a success because you’ve got the best version of you.

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