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Building Self Esteem In Children

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Building Self Esteem in Children

The only way for children to succeed is by building up one's self esteem. Those who have this will be able to achieve a certain ambition later on in life, which is something that could only happen with the support of parents and the teachers that molded the child.

The first signs of this begin the moment the infant is born. It is the smile that the parents have after seeing the child for the first time, the first words ever spoken, the time the infant is able to stand and walk without any help.

Parents may not know it but even during this stage, the child understands the acknowledgement being given usually that could be through words or signs of affection. So, one of the most effective ways of building self esteem is by constantly praising the children.

Some experts believe there is a danger when the parent does this often. There are two reasons.

First, the child will get used to the attention being given after something has been done. Parents are just two of the billions of people on the planet and the person will soon figure out that the words of praise being does not mean that much to the rest of society.

Second, the young ones are not always correct. Some bad things will be done and unless parents do something about it, the child will not be able to know the difference between right and wrong.

Part of building that self esteem then should also have constructive criticism. This means talking to the child and explaining the things that were right and where it went wrong. There are always different ways to approach a certain challenge and looking back, perhaps there was a better way to do it.

There must also be a balance here because although the parent has good intentions in criticizing each move, this can further diminish the one's self confidence as the child feels attacked again and again.

Parents do both not to create the child into one's likeness as God did when man was developed but simply helping the person become a productive member of society that has rules and laws that everyone has to live by.

The third way to help build self esteem in children is in the parents. The actions being shown by the mom or dad also play a part in the child's development. Those who curse often will be surprised one day that the child will do the same.

Although watching movies and television have a role in making this happen, parents are there 24 hours a day 7 times a week which is a lot more time than a one or two hour show can ever do to a child.

Parents have to be the ones to set an example. If either mom or dad did not have strong sense of self worth as a child, the kids should not suffer the same fate. These people are aware of the mistakes before and will rather correct or prevent this from happening so this won't happen to the next generation.

It is never easy to bring out the best in a child. There will be trials ahead and those who succeed can be proud seeing the son or daughter graduate from high school or college and instill the same qualities when these people will also have children.

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BONUS : Building the Confidence and Self Esteem of your Teenager

The teenage years are probably the most awkward years for your teenagers. When a child reaches this age, he or she faces many new changes and challenges. It was much easier when they were younger because parents have total control over their children but as babies grow up to be teenagers along comes the development of the minds to think on their own.

Teenagers want to try new many things and they are ever more ready to meet challenges head on but what scares most parents are the facts that not all new things are good and that not all challenges are meant to be attacked head on. The parents though are careful to be interfering because at this stage the teenagers want to prove themselves so they think that resisting their parents is cool.

This is indeed a difficult situation but one sure way a parent can be of help to a teenager is to help the teenager build his confidence and self esteem. A teenager with high self esteem and has self confidence have an edge over those who are easily swayed by the crowd and who cannot defend themselves from people who just wish to manipulate them into making the wrong decisions or into doing things that are bad for them.

Parents should be able to teach their teenagers that people come in all shapes and sizes that way they will be able to be more accepting of their physical attributes and would also be non-judgmental of others. Encourage them to get into activities where the playing field is equal. Sports is a great way to develop the social skills of your teenager and a chance to excel. A teenager with good social skills would be able to handle all types of people and situations. Excelling in anything can boost a teenager’s confidence and self esteem.

Teenagers should earn their self esteem because that way they will not give it up just like that. Parents can support them in this endeavor by constantly giving well deserved and genuine praise. While parents cannot be there all the way, they should always be ready to lend a hand when their teenagers need a hand to hold on to. For sure there will be failures along the way but a little failure is always a good sign. What is most important is to teach them resilience.

Parents are not meant to shield their children from pain and discomfort but rather for them to make sure they will go through pain and discomfort and then come out fine. Make sure that it is clear that you will never abandon them no matter what. Give them the vote of confidence that they can handle the situation because that is the only way to show respect to their independence.

As much as parents want to be their number one cheer leaders in a loud way, the quiet belief in your teenagers will make more impact. Reality bites, we all know that but always there is always a room to go forward.

Hopefully all these things will guide parents in making life easier for both them and their teenagers. No one says that this will be an easy ride but like in any case we can always find ways to make things lighter for us and for everyone around us.

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