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Building Self Esteem In Teens

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Building Self-Esteem In Teens

Adolescence is perhaps the most complicated in one’s life. Although adulthood can be pretty complicated too, nothing can match the adjustments that we have to make during this period of “growing up.”

In addition to the usual stress that physical changes and hormonal changes in the body give, adolescents also have to deal with changes in their social interaction with people. This is also the time or period in their lives when they will experience emotional changes. This is the time when most will first become aware of the opposite sex and maybe fall in love or have a puppy love.
In this period of great changes and upheavals, of scattered energies and differing emotions, a teenager’s self-esteem becomes vulnerable.

Although self-esteem is basically developed in childhood through parental love and attention; Only the foundation is built in this period. The essence of one’s self-esteem will be solidified during the adolescence period and of course all through adulthood.

This is the reason why it is important to develop a teener’s self-esteem further during this period. Unfortunately, social groups in high schools and other social dynamics often lower their self-esteem. Below are some tips to help your teeners build high self-esteem.

Give them role models

Parents are of course their children’s primary role models. This is acceptable when they are kids but let’s face the fact that we can’t really compete with younger role models that they are exposed to in the media. People like Lindsay Lohan and Hillary Duff seem more believable and more attractive to teenagers.

Although basically parents should still strive to become a good example to their children, they should also accept the fact that they cannot be their only role models for long. They need other role models who they can really identify with.

The role of parents now should be to help their teeners choose role models that are admirable. They should also be taught to differentiate the characteristics that they should emulate and traits that they should not. After all, role models are for guidance and not for copying.

Give them your trust

One of things that will help your child trust themselves and their abilities is for parents like you to trust them. If they feel that you do not respect them as individuals, they will not respect themselves enough to try to achieve things for themselves. If you do not trust them and if you do not have confidence in what they can do, how do you expect them to develop their talents and achieve greatness.

Trust is a complicated issue and most parents will become confused at how to achieve a balance. It is important that parents try though. Too many limitations and restrictions can curb their potentials but too lax may get them lost.

Give them their voice

The right to argue and to explain your side of the story has become only a privilege in most homes. This should not be. Parents also make mistakes. Before judging and imposing sanctions, it is important that you allow your kids to state their case and explain their actions. After which, judge accordingly.

Allowing them their own voice and their own opinions teaches them to think on their own and decide for themselves. Thus, they begin to trust their instincts and develop their self-esteem.
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BONUS : Building Self-Esteem in the Eyes of a Kid

The children are the country' future. Without the proper training, these people will not be able to follow through the programs that people in the past have done. This is the reason that parents, teachers and friends should all help out build self esteem in a kid.

At home, parents can fulfill that role by showering the kid with love and affection. Good deeds should be acknowledged while mistakes should be corrected in a subtle manner.

Self-esteem is not only done through words of encouragement. This should also happen by teaching the kid how to be independent. Parents may allow the child to either learn a new sport or a musical instrument.

Those who want to get a job like delivering newspaper or mowing the lawn can also be done so the individual will learn the values of hard work rather than always having it handed down.

Parents must always have an open line of communication with the kids. After all, there are a lot of things that happen in school and some just give in to peer pressure. Something isn’t good may seem cool at the time but in the end wasn't so the legal guardians have to be vigilant.

In school, the teachers serve as the guardians. Although grades are just one way of telling whether a child is doing well or not, there are other things to watch out for. Some institutions administer evaluation exams while others look at the disciplinary record.

Getting low scores or into fights is very alarming. Sometimes, the reason why the kid has low self-esteem or is not doing well is because it is hard to digest the information in class or there is a problem at home. The parents, the principal and even a child psychologist may be called in regarding the matter.

Kids will get to have a lot of friends in school. Some of these individuals might be the same one the person will still be talking to even after college. Building self-esteem in a kid should also involve knowing how to choose the right crowd. Hanging with people who have the same values or a bit different will all help make someone a responsible citizen.

Parents who fail to instill self-esteem in kids will surely be blamed should the person wreak havoc in society. How many times has it happened that teens have been linked to shooting sprees across the country and are tried as adults after the incident has happened?

Self-esteem is something that people do not inherit at birth. This is something that has to be developed during the crucial years through words and actions. Is there such a thing as too much praise?

Some people say yes because failure is sometimes the best way to learn something and be stronger than the person was before.

Is it too late for anyone to build self-esteem? The answer is no. This is because as long as the person is still alive, the person can still evolve into a better person.

There are tapes and DVD's that talk about self-esteem. There are also specialists out there that offer counseling. These resources as well as those offered by the family and those in school can help the kid become a productive member of society.


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