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Building Confidence And Self Esteem

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Building Confidence and Self Esteem

There are two things that go hand in hand making who the person is today. These are confidence and self esteem. If the person is unaware of one's potential or what he or she can become, the term given to someone is a loser.

Nobody wants to be called a loser but unfortunately, there are a few in society. These are the people who donÂ’t have any ambition or drive in life, canÂ’t hold a job and most of the time are unemployed.

This is the reason that self esteem and confidence should be built from the ground up as a child. There will be challenges in life and someone who is get up again after falling down is what separates the men from the boys.

A good deed should never be given the proper acknowledgement. Parents should always tell the teen if he or she has done a good job. The best way to do it is by being very specific.

An "A" for example on the report card can be displayed on the fridge. A medal or a trophy won in a competition can be placed frame or a case. This is something the person can look at to reminisce such a time and be used as a driving force for future challenges.

The positive attitude one has can also serve as inspiration to others. Parents can also teach the children to be optimistic about life despite the many setbacks. Studies have shown that this type of attitude strengthens ones ability to do just about anything which is much better than feeling depressed.

Some people have it while others don't. One of the many gifts that people have is individuality. Parents who have children who are fit should not tease or name call those who are fat. Just imagine how the person would feel if the situation was reversed.

The same thing goes when the teen is given a task. The parents can show signs of disapproval in a better way by explaining that it needs more improvement instead of striking the person down which will later develop signs of anger and resentment.

It is one thing to give praise in front of the child. It is another to say something different to others. There must be consistency.

No one has the perfect son or daughter at home. However, there is always a better way of expressing one's feelings without hurting someone else especially when that individual is family.

A lot of people believe that the youth are the future. If this is so, parents, teachers and friends should do more that just pay lip service to build confidence and self esteem.

Parents should be more active by participating in things that the child enjoys. Students not doing in school should be given more attention than those who are can do it without assistance. Friends should be more understanding.

All of these people play a significant role in the person's development and hanging around with the right crowd will really help in the long term.

Believe it or not, life is a gamble. There are victors and there are losers. With self esteem comes confidence and that is something that can never be read in any textbook but taught and instilled in the minds of the youth.

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BONUS : Building High Self Esteem

Every year, awards such as the Grammies and the Oscars are given to actors, directors and producers for films and shows that have entertained the general public. One of the people always thanked for becoming who he or she is today is the parents.

The reason why these people are always given gratitude is because if not for the hard work and the values that were bestowed, it would be impossible for that individual to become one of the brightest stars in Hollywood.

This just goes to show that aside from looks that the person gets, another thing has been imparted which is self esteem that also brings out confidence.

There are many ways to build high self esteem. While others use self help tools made by specialists or attend counseling sessions, sometimes the only thing the person should do is believe in oneself.

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. The individual has probably figured this out in life being good in certain fields and above average in others. Those who have a gift in something should make the most out of it at the same time, working on those that need a little improvement to become someone better.

Second, like Aerosmith said "life is a journey, not a destination and no one can tell what tomorrow brings." Yes, people wake up to a brand new day. The day before may have been really bad but people can always learn from mistakes and start over.

Part of building high self esteem is taking risks. By having a clear goal of what the individual wants to happen, this increases the chances of succeeding in whatever endeavor one may want to pursue. This is a whole lot better than waiting to see what happens.

Thinking positive is also another factor in building high self esteem. Life is a risk although being optimistic of the outcome in whatever the person wants to pursue may increase the chances of success rather than failure.

Having high self esteem is something that can also be imparted to others just like how this was given by the parents to a child. By having a good working attitude, others will perceive the individual as a role person and will also do the same thing and get the same results.

One way of doing this is treating everyone with respect. It doesnÂ’t matter if this person is just a janitor or one of the bosses. In the end, everyone is the same.

It is easy for people to see if someone is confident. Once the person comes into the room and offers a firm handshake and a smile, that sense of aura itself is something worth having.

Confident people are not born. These individuals are made. One of the qualities that make a good leader is being able to speak and at times, also listen. There are things that people are not aware about and being able to learn something new from others is always a good thing.

The world does not revolve around the person, it is the other way around. People have to adapt and also be sensitive to the needs of others. By practicing each of these things everyday, the individual will become very successful which is known by a better word known charisma.


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