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Building A Self Esteem Lesson Plan

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Building A Self Esteem Lesson Plan

Self-esteem by definition is the way a person perceives the self. Those who have a strong belief in one's capabilities are able to succeed in just about anything while those who don't will experience a lot of difficulty in life.

Self-esteem is not something people are born with. This has to be developed and if parents are not able to do a good job, perhaps a child psychologist can help where this is lacking.

Building a self-esteem lesson plan takes time. The way to approach the problem will be through a test. The system itself as many doctors admit is not perfect but this is better than nothing for those who need help.

The exams given by a psychologist is divided into sections. The patient will respond by ranking each question from highest to lowest, selecting an answer from four possible choices, filling in the blanks or completing the sentence.

Here are the seven categories being used by psychologists to come up with lesson plan.

First, there is procrastination. People have different work habits. There is the go-getter and the one who will start something but will not be able to finish it. The results of this category can help a specialist figure out a way for someone to be enthusiastic about studying or doing a task.

There are many what if's in life. Those who know what to do will just go for it while others will hesitate first and then just go with the majority. A lesson plan can be developed to empower the individual to take risks. A certain outcome that happened before many change this time around and no one will know unless the person tries.

Everyone makes mistakes. This is all part of being human. But those who have regrets are frozen in time without the ability to move on. The psychologist may make a lesson plan that will enable the patient to let go and be ready for life's challenges.

One mistake some people have is generalizing. It is bad to do that because it denies the person the chance to know about someone's character. This is usually caused by trauma so the specialist can also make a lesson plan to exorcise the ghost and forget about the past.

Anger is one issue that some people have. This is the reason some are sent to anger management class. By knowing what makes the person agree, the psychologist will be able to understand and change that.

There are people who are outgoing when it comes to meeting new people while there are those who are shy. This will mean someone will have more friends than the other person. Psychologists can make a lesson plan so that the individual will be able to have lasting relationships with members of the same or opposite sex later on in life.

The last portion simply asks the question if the person is happy with everything that life has offered. Some people will say satisfactorily given that the individual may not have that dream car or job. However, there are those who feel bitter so the specialist can make a lesson plan pointing out the nice things that have happened which makes it not that bad after all.

Those who answer the questions will probably do well in some of the sections and perform poorly in others. There is always room for improvement and growth and this should be what the lesson plan is all about.

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BONUS : Building Character Through Self-Esteem

Before people start to consider how self worth plays a key role in the development of character, many have forgotten that building character through self esteem is indeed one of the most important aspects of personality development.

As much as many people would hate to admit it, a more stronger foundation can be established with how a person builds character, especially when self worth is a primary factor in shaping and molding the values and virtues of a successful individual.

How is it so?

Studies reveal that self- esteem is the value of a person’s worth and there are a lot of factors that come into play, especially in helping a person fell more confident about himself, which is also a primary factor in establishing a person’s outlook towards ambition and success.

It is said that a person who is more confident about himself, the more focused and determined the person is to aim for achieving a better state in life, regardless of whether it be for career, success, ambition, family or personal attractiveness, among others.

To better understand and define self –esteem, it is simply holding one- self in high regard as a result of several factors that determine a person’s worth.

Self- esteem does not seem to regard one as perfect nor does it demand from a person to be faultless or blameless, rather, valuing the self as priceless or in high esteem.

This is what makes a person proud of himself or what makes them keep their head high in the face of tribulation or adversity and can be considered a measure of a persons degree of response to life’s circumstances, be it good or bad.

Self- esteem can also help a person make good choices, especially when it comes to personal development, better learning or physical beauty.

Self- esteem does not start at birth, but as a person’s consciousness develops and takes shape, this is when a person starts to measure himself as to his own value or worth.

It then shapes how a person looks at himself and compares or assesses himself with the environment or his surroundings and starts to ask himself, do people like me for being me? Do other people regard me as an example for others? How do other people look at me? My attitude and behavior towards life?

These are but some of the common questions that help man understand and gauge his value as a person.

People with low self –esteem are usually those who often do not regard themselves highly than they ought or are simply those who do not want to risk making sacrifices for the betterment of their own personalities and character.

Having good self –esteem is having the ability to make good choices and would less likely to follow a spur of the moment decision without carrying or thinking things through.

There is less likelihood that someone with a good sense of self –esteem make decisions that could lead to his own downfall by making the right decisions, taking to mind the value of his own personal feelings, safety, health and well- being.

A lot of people may tend to ignore or neglect what usually are some of the best measurements of achieving success or persistence in ambition than to explore the inner being, like how personality, outlook and attitude affect their course of life.

Building character through self –esteem is as equally important as the sense of ambition itself.


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