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Both Sides Of Self Identity In Society

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Both Sides of Self Identity in Society
Self and individual-two sides of a coin

Man is a social animal and he cannot survive in isolation. For his development and well-being it is necessary to have a healthy self and have an integrated approach. For the development of the self of an individual it is a prerequisite that man learns to adjust and accept the society as it is. Human being is a product of the society and his or her attitude or actions are all guided by the society. The societal elements influence the behavior of an individual. Self of an individual is made up of various elements.

Though society has been made up of individuals, the biggest threat to the society is that if individualism. Individualism compels people to work for their personal motives neglecting the well-being of the society. When the ego of an individual becomes important and he or she values the personal interests more than the collective well-being. One always wonder though there are many people who pay their taxes on time and a lot of revenue is generated by the government, yet there has been no improvement in the law and order of the society. With the growing rate of crime and people growing reckless the need of developing self restrain and self-esteem is very important. The reason for its failure is that the outcome is treated and not the motives which force a man to behave in such a weird manner. People in this unsympathetic world fail to value the feelings and emotions of the people.

How an individual is treated in the society and what is the level of respect an individual demands and what he actually gets make him or mar him. If the person is ill treated in the society then he is bound to harbor negative feelings and his actions are sure to reflect negative affects in society. If one is not able to deal with his or her emotions then the outcome would be depression, anxiety, stress, child abuse, rape, homicide or many such types. Nevertheless, if an individual can handle his or her emotions well then an individual then he or she can develop self-esteem and positive outlook. It is necessary for an individual to develop a two way process with the society so that the development of an individual can be initiated.

Self of an individual depends on the society as what a person sees or experience at large he or she tends to get influenced and adopt unthinkingly the same attitude. This heedless behavior can make an individual suffer at the cost of the self. In the competitive world an individual has to encounter many ups and downs daily, which hurt his self-esteem making him more susceptible to the negativities. As the self of an individual can be developed only when an individual has the spark within therefore, one must try and develop that zeal and enthusiasm. For the process of self development one has to overcome all his weaknesses and negativities, which mar his or her personality. Once the individual come face to face with the latent strengths and weaknesses then half of the battle is won and the person would find himself or her self better adjusted in the society.

For developing the self of an individual to develop there are several ways, which include, meditation, yoga, color therapy, breathing therapy, long walks and naturopathy. These therapies aid in the self healing of an individual and make him or her more resistant to the criticism which one has to face every now and then in the society. Thus, individual self and society are interrelated and one cannot exist without the other.
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BONUS : Building Self Esteem In Teens

Is building self esteem for teens different from that of a child? The answer is yes because you are grown up already and you now have the responsibility of choosing between right and wrong. You can make decisions without consulting your parents every time and as long as you have positive self esteem, you will be able to make the right decisions.

One of the challenges of being a teen is that your friends will put a lot of pressure on you. If you decide to go against them, it could hurt your friendship with them which is why they sometimes do things that they don’t normally to make sure they belong with the “in crowd.”

If you give in to pressure, you have low self esteem. What is worse is that you could hurt yourself or someone else especially if you decide to start drinking below the required age, engage in sex practices when you are not ready, get addicted to drugs, join a gang or even quit school.

When you ask an adult or and a teen what is the definition of self esteem, both will say something different. For parents, this is the way we look at ourselves but to the teen, it is how they want people to look at who they are.

As you can see, the two answers don’t match and the reason for this is the age gap. Adults have already been through a lot in life and their experience has shown them the path. On the other hand, teens are still in that period of discovery and they will most likely commit a lot of mistakes before becoming more mature in their lives.

Given that both see it differently, it does not yet excuse the parents to try and steer their sons or daughters in the correct path. The best way to do that is to be open to their teens and be around when they are needed especially when they are confused.

For instance, if the teen wants to try a new sport, the parents should wish their kids well and hope that this will work out. If it doesn’t, they should be ready to comfort them and give them credit for trying.

If the teen gets into trouble, the parents will have to correct the improper behavior. While most parents scold their kids the instant something happens, they should remember that it is more effective to them like adults because they are no longer babies. By explaining to them what they did and making them understand the repercussions of their actions, they will not make the same mistake again.

But is it just the parents who build the self esteem of the teens? The answer is no because teachers should do their share when these individuals come to school. Of course there are rules that the student must abide by but by inspiring the teens to excel in their studies, the teacher can be sure that they will succeed in college and later on in life.

After all the support from the parents, the teachers and the friends, the teen will soon realize that they will be the ones that will have to develop their self esteem. The people around merely helped the individual realize who he or she is and if they want to succeed, they have to figure out what they have to do on their own.

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