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Assertiveness – How To Dicker And Ask For A Better Price

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Assertiveness – How To Dicker And Ask For A Better Price

We all want to buy something for a great price and we want to get the best possible deal that we can. However this is not always easy and we may have to find ways to make it easier. Being assertive and getting the right training will help you become better at dickering over a price and getting the best deal possible.
The first thing that you have to do when you are dickering over a price is know how to communicate. You need to be able to speak to the seller on good terms. You have to be assertive so that you can assess the situation and get the best end of the deal. You have to use your skills to find a way talk the seller down and feel good about what you have done. It is not always easy to communicate to a stranger when you are trying to meet with a good selling price. This may be something that you have to practice for a while to become good at.

You should not be too aggressive when you are trying to settle on a price. You have to be assertive and know what you want but you cannot push the seller into thinking a certain way. You want to do what you can to get them to trust you can respect you and your ability to dicker well over a price. Never be too pushy or argue with the seller at any time. You will only scare them away and you may end up losing the deal.

You have to know what you want and go after it. When you really feel that you have to have something and you want to get a good deal for it, you should peruse it. You have to be consistent so that you have a chance at getting the seller to see your point of view. When you are able to show them what you feel and how you want things to be, you may end up seeing that you win the price and get what you want.

Do not be afraid. The most that is going to happen is that the seller will say no. Do not be afraid of what the other person is going to say. After all words cannot harm you and the most that will happen is that you have to do some more dickering over the price. You may want to figure out a meeting ground and try to be fair about the price. Meet somewhere in the middle and this may make both you and the seller happy in the end.

Look the seller in the eye. You want them to see how serious you are and how much you want to get this item for the price that you want to pay. You need to use your best communication skills to get your point across. Stand up tall and feel confident in what you are about to achieve. You need to remember that you cannot take no for an answer and you have to be more assertive than the seller is. Think as if they have realized the same thing and you are both using your skills in being assertive to get what you want out of this deal.

When you know what you want and how to get it you are using your best assertiveness skills. Sometimes you will win and sometimes you may lose, however you will feel better because you know that you have put your best effort forward and did your best to get a lower price. You will be able to feel good knowing that you stood up for who you are and what you believed was the best price. Do not get discouraged if you did not win. The fact of the matter is that you tried and that is all that can be expected. As you go you will get better at your assertiveness and you will see how it will pay off for you in the end.
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BONUS : Assertiveness – How To Say No To Others Who Ask Too Much

There are many people that try to ask too much from us. They want everything handed to them and this is something that may get in our way from time to time. It is not necessary for us to meet the needs of everyone around us all the time. Sure, it is nice to help out and do a good deed from time to time. However we have to keep our own needs and wants first in our life and make sure that we are assertive enough to get them.

You must take a few actions to be sure that you are not letting others walk all over you. There are some of our family and friends that think they can get us to anything that they want us to at any given moment. This should not be the case. It is always nice to help a friend in need, but some people that have no assertiveness are going to put themselves last on the list.

You have to think about the things that you need in life. Do not let others make you forget how important you are and what you need to do. If you think that there is someone in your life that is holding you back because they are asking too much from you, there are some things that you can do to be more assertive in life.

1. You have to resist giving into others and not doing everything for other all the time. You need to learn when you can help and when you need to say no to people. These people are only taking advantage of you because they know they can.

2. You have to learn to stand up for yourself. You are important and there are times when you need help in life too. You should think about how you can be stronger and get more assertiveness training to be the one that takes control of their life.

3. When you are saying no to someone that is always asking too much of you, remember to be strong. You have to be completely decisive and explain why you are not doing whatever the task is. You do not have to apologize for not doing something.

4. You need to add some of these words when you speak, “I want” and “ I think” to your statements. Your opinions are important and some people that are so involved in their own life are not going to take the time to see that you have your own opinions and feelings. It is part of being assertive by expressing how you feel to others.

5. Make sure that you are communicating to the person that is always asking too much of you. You need to let them know how you feel and that they are simply taking advantage of you and the needs that you have. You have to let them know what you mean and mean what you say.

Do not forget to practice all of these examples so that you can get it right when someone out there is trying to take advantage of you. You should always use eye contact when you are speaking to someone and be sure that you are doing all that you can to be assertive and stick up for the things in life that you want the most. You have to use your communication and your assertiveness to make your own life better and to no be taken advantage of by those that are around you. This is the only way that you can be happy and survive the regret of being “had” by your friends and family members.

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