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10 Ways To Improving Low Self Esteem

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10 Ways to Improving Low Self Esteem

Everyone strives to find ways to improve their self esteem. Whether you’re doing this subconsciously or physically it doesn’t really matter. But this creates a challenge especially since you’re not particular on what you would like to improve on. Chances are you’re improving low self esteem without even thinking about it.

Not many are familiar with the ways of improving their self esteem and here are ten helpful guides you can easily follow.

• Stock up on your self esteem by creating a check list of things you want to improve on. Start by how you communicate with others. Accomplish one change at a time and put check on it once you’re done and move on to what’s next on the list.

• Feel good about yourself starting now and show that extra confidence to everyone wherever and whenever you find yourself in. Remember it’s the journey that matters most than the destination.

• Create a goal for yourself by knowing what you want. Find out how the people around you or the ones you meet can help you get closer to your goals. This will help you determine how you can approach each person. Do this always and the results are noticeable.

• Get driven and motivate yourself. Let everyone know how any of them can help you in your goals. People who are very driven end up being successful in their careers.

• Develop the mindset that every person you meet is important. It’s surprising how effective this is.

• Two things: give a good handshake and look a person in the eye when speaking to them. Make sure your handshake is firm and not too hard. Always try to look for a good character trait you find attractive in every person you meet.

• Learn to listen. Give notice to what others are saying. Try to remember a person’s name and if you forget ask their name after exchanging a couple of sentences.

• Show a person that you are responding to them by nodding or calling out their name. Make use of your listening abilities. Remember, people can read through your body language.

• Remind yourself that everything is not all about you by paying attention to others around you. Learn to accept news whether it is good or bad. Empathize with other people’s situation and genuinely show that you care.

• Do not interrupt a person while speaking whether you’re doing this mentally or verbally. In short, give a person your full attention when they are speaking because its’ rude if you don’t.

Now that you know how to improve yourself esteem, try to apply this in your everyday interactions with others. The more of these tips you apply everyday the brighter your aura gets and you charisma gets a good boost. But if you want have a more charismatic personality it’s going to take more than these ten tips to achieve that.

Having a very positive aura definitely helps in improving low self esteem. Not only does this benefit you but it also benefits everyone and everything around you. Your positivity affects your interactions with your family, your outlook on your career and it can make people of the opposite sex find you more attractive and likable.
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BONUS : A Course in Building Confidence and Self esteem

Optimism! It all lies in our positive perception of our personality, the events occurring around us and life itself. So long as we believe in the goodness that we may have in life, we are bound to enjoy it the way every man should.

Unfortunately, many of us cannot grasp optimism from a life that is muddled with miseries, morbidity, and struggles. Of course, life's pleasure would not be appreciated if it were not equaled with unhappiness. Pain cannot be felt if all we know is joy. Tears would lose its worth if we always experience happiness. Confidence would not be recognized if we do not fall flat on our face sometimes.

Life is a gratifying privilege and we can make everything we want from it. We have to start early in building our foundations so that we wont have to loose precious moments that shall never pass by us again. A moment that's gone is gone forever but your light won't even lose its value long after you have gone.

With optimism in life we would be able to recognize the fullness of our potentials. Everyone has an equal chance for recognition yet many of us fail to share with the limelight because we surrender even before the battle begun.

If you would want to share with what the world offers, you must be brave enough. Nothing should stop your from living your life, not even the miserable demons of low self confidence.

Those who braved life are those who are confident enough of themselves. Sometimes, we just have to take risks so that we might discover what lies in our road. Taking risks though requires lots of faith in yourself. Without this, you would be like a warrior who has lost his armor.

From birth, we were equipped with all the skills that we will use in the later stages of our lives. One such skill is the ability to face challenges and to face them with faith, both in ourselves and to Him who has created all of us.

All of us had an equal chance to develop our sense of self, even when it feels like our fellow is much blessed than us.

We normally have the common notion that life is unfair when in fact, it is not. We all have our shares of blessing and our shares of challenges. It just lies in our perception of things and the manner by which we handle things.

The same thing goes with self confidence and self esteem. Many of us think that the man we are looking up to shared much of life's blessings because he can bear himself better, he can face the public better and he is much eloquent and more confident than most of us. Remember that before he even got there, he ahs to face challenges that contributed to his self-esteem and self confidence. All of us can be that man, only if we believe in ourselves enough.

We just have to find our own enlightenment to be able to achieve the building of good foundations for our self esteem and self confidence. Changes must come from within before we can accept the assistance that comes from outside. Realization of how valuable you are and how beautifully you were created cannot be helped by outside reinforcement if you, yourself do not want to accept this one simple truth.

Go on, help in the discovery of yourself and that is among the most wonderful venture you will take in life.

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