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What Is Self Esteem

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What is Self Esteem

What is self esteem? It is merely an opinion of how you see yourself. There are two types namely high self esteem and low self esteem and between the two, it is better to have the first. This is because high self-esteem enables you to love yourself for who you are while low self esteem doesn’t make you grow as a person and make you successful.

But where do you get self-esteem? Well as a child, you get it from your parents. If they raised you right and praised you for your achievements, chances are you will have a positive outlook of yourself and life. If you happen to be raised by parents who are not very caring, well you won’t see the positive qualities you have and will have an angry outlook at the world.

You can also get this from your friends and your peers because sometimes, how we feel about ourselves is based on the perception of others. If you are able to ignore the negative sentiment, you are fine because you don’t let such words affect you.

In the end though, your self esteem comes from inside you. To figure that out, you can ask yourself some simple questions. Do you like who you are? Are you happy? Do you think you are a good person? Most of the time, the answer is yes even if sometimes you have doubts about yourself.

To get rid of those doubts, well you should first accept your faults and realize that you are not the only one that has this problem. Everyone has a few flaws that they want to get rid of so you must have the willingness to change in order to improve yourself.

Another thing you should accept is that you are different from the rest. This is not only in terms of your physical attributes but also who you are personally just like each person has their own set of fingerprints that can never be duplicated by anyone else.

For those that need help, well they can get counseling to improve their self-esteem or listen to self-help tapes that are designed to do the same thing as well.

Another technique which won’t cost you a thing will be to write down on a piece of paper 50 things you like about yourself and then cherishing it. Since we all grow and change every single day, try to write down one good thing you did about yourself daily so you can look up and realize that you are not a bad person.

When you have high self esteem, you are less likely to do anything destructive to yourself or to others. This is because you have a positive outlook about life and are always optimistic about the future. With that, you can probably say you can get anything you want out of life when you have this quality but remember not to confuse it with being too overconfident because there are two different things.

Another benefit of high self esteem is being able to have an easier time handling problems and resisting negative pressures. But we should not forget that is something that we inherit and not something we are born with. This can change in the years to come only if we allow it and if this happens, hopefully we can be better than who we were before rather than going the opposite direction.
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BONUS : What Happens When One Suffers From Low Self Esteem

Low self esteem has been frequently considered the cause of a lot of the world’s social problems—from crime, to the inability of people to socially interact with other people. However, there has been little consideration as to what it really is, and what tangible effects it may have on a person. In order to understand what it is and, in effect, resolve some of its detriments, it is first important to explore some basic concepts related to it, as well as its various impacts.

To begin with, self esteem is the value people associate themselves with. Therefore, unlike the misconception that self esteem is how confident people are about what they can do, self esteem is really more self-worth than confidence. The latter, after all, is more associated with the belief in one’s own ability to perform future tasks, whereas self-worth is how they see their own selves at the present time.

However, this is not to say that self esteem is a variable concept. Quite the contrary, psychologists consider self esteem as a rather enduring conception that people have about themselves, despite the fact that there may be some instances of a person’s self worth momentarily faltering in the opposite direction.

When people suffer from feelings of low self worth, they often compare themselves to other people. In the process, they see their flaws sticking out, making them less respectable than the people they are comparing themselves to. They will see what they lack and what they do not possess, and over-glorify the good traits that other people may have.

Increased paranoia over the possibility that people are making fun of them may also take place. They may be overly afraid of being judged when they go out in public with their flaws so obvious for the world to see. This will create within them strong feelings of self hate and self loathing.

There are also moments when people who suffer from low levels of self esteem feel as though they do not deserve the things they have, or are not worth the love their friends or family bestow on them. They will often feel like they are not worth the trouble, and clearly a waste of whatever time, money, and effort that people may be spending in order to be with them or to make them feel special.

They may then withdraw from whatever social interactions they have, or may at least have some difficulty interacting with other people. They may become overly sensitive to critique, and may often feel helpless and vulnerable even when around the people who truly care for them. Unfortunately, some of them may also express whatever self hate they feel through anger and increased intolerance of what other people have to say to them.

Some indicators of some form of low self esteem may include an obsessive form of perfectionism. People who suffer from such low self worth tend to impose impossible standards upon themselves, and therefore foster deeper feelings of self hate as they are unable to meet these expectations. They may also be too willing to please other at their own expense. This is usually because whatever affirmation they receive from other people become ways for them to see themselves, at least momentarily, as worthy of respect and love.

Unfortunately, without that nod of approval from other people, they will again express feelings of worthlessness.

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