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True Worth In Self Identity Of Self In Society

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True Worth in Self Identity of Self in Society

In the pace of life, we seem to have lost our selves. ‘Self’ is described as the understanding of ones self. It means recognizing of ones soul and inner voice. Often, in the course of fulfilling responsibilities we ignore our true identity. In addition, our inner voice is suppressed. Inner voice is the voice of god. It gives direction to the life. As ship is controlled by a rudder, inner voice directs the soul. We are running rapidly to materialize our aims. In addition, are too busy to introspect and ponder upon our lives. In the midst of hustle bustle of life we seem to have lost our identity. Identity is the true reflection of an individual. An individual works hard all day to make currency and improve his standard of living.

In the technological age, world has become globalize. You can reach anybody at any time in the world. Moreover, interacting with people can be done at reasonable costs. Technology, such as VOIP or voice over internet protocol, Internet, web camera and low cost flights has enabled people to interact with their loved ones at low costs. The number of people traveling to far off places has been continuously increasing. Not only people but even businesses are being outsourced as a result of these cutting edge technologies. Businesses of developed countries are being done by third world nations at very low costs. Billions of dollars are being invested on research and development so that people can land on moon. Scientists are working hard to make space a tourist destination. In addition, within a decade’s time this will be a possibility.

Nevertheless, isn’t it ironical that people are dreaming to tour space while they have no time to discover themselves? They have the latest gadgets, such as blackberry and I-phone but have no time to interact with their loved ones. In addition, by the time people realize the important of their inner selves and family, a generation goes by. Thus, it is important that you understand your true worth and the purpose of your living.

Your real worth should be based on your understanding of your self and not as per society’s rules and regulations. Everybody has a distinct identity of oneself, what is required is to realize your actual worth. Your bank balance, gadgets and accessories do not define your. The self is above the materialistic accumulations. Once you become aware of your self, the life becomes meaningful and happier. In addition, you have a peace of mind, which are the most prized possessions in the stressful world. You become more positive and start accepting everything around you as a part of life. As a result you accept your personal existence.

The journey from self-ignorance to understanding your self involves techniques, such as meditation, yoga and spending time with nature. Meditating regularly can help you know your true worth. Decide on a place at your home and sit there in a cross-legged position with eyes closed. Remain silent for some time and then ask yourself questions about the reason of your existence in the world. Initially it may be difficult as well, as you may be distracted but practice the art of meditating for around 20 minutes everyday. Ask yourself what the thing gives you actual happiness. Soon you will change the positive difference in your life. The negative emotions such as fear, anxieties, insecurities or worries will be replaced with feelings of love, affection and mental serenity.

Spend time with nature and exercise regularly. Colorful flowers, chirping birds and grass-studded dewdrops are a great stress buster. As a result you have a calm mind and are in more control of your self.

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BONUS : Understanding Self Identity of Self in Society

An entity must be willing to laugh at his faults or mistakes. Life is too short to take every little thing to heart. Just remember that we are all only human. Another skill an entity should possess is the aptitude truly to understand their limitations and strengths. Someone who is knowledgeable in has a higher measure of self-awareness and is also capable of accepting feedback from self and others. Many of us disintegrate when we receive negative feedback. It is important however to accept negative feedback and fundamentally turn this negative into a positive. This will allow an individual to lead a more positive and successful life.

The problem is despite that many people fall short of accepting feedback; many others also fall short of providing constructive feedback. The way a person addresses an issue is partially responsibility for the reactions that return. For instance, if someone tells you that you are ugly, this is a putdown that ultimately will make you retaliate, or else belittle self privately. This is unhealthy feedback. One of the positive ways to deliver feedback is to tell the truth while considering the person’s feelings. For instance, you have some qualities that make you a very unique person, only some of the flaws you possess, I feel hinders you from becoming more successful. This is constructive feedback. Still, many people will not accept this type of feedback.

There are two steps that an individual can take when working on developing skills that assist them with making constructive changes that ultimately helps them to understand self. When an individual is searching to develop new skills, the individual may want to ask for constructive criticism or feedback from people that the individual is at ease with. Seek pointers and positive comments about explicit behaviors and actions. This allows an entity to realize their personal emotions that affect their strengths and limitations.

In addition, an individual should create a personal inventory of their individual strengths. After this list is created, then compare and contrast the strengths with lists that others have made. This allows room for new perspectives and self-assessment. Remember that it is always a good thing to receive a second opinion. Usually a second opinion allows us to step back from ourselves and revaluate a situation.

Keep in mind, just because someone provides you feedback it doesn’t necessary mean that you have to agree every time. We all know ourselves better than others do, so we all have answers that define who we are buried inside the subconscious mind. Still, we want to consider all positive and even some negative feedback to help us grow.

We mentioned the importance of self-assessment. When we develop self-assessment skills, it enables us to examine self-closer. This gives us the power to analyze self with a higher vigilance than average.

When we develop a higher plane of consciousness, it takes us above the average and over the limits of understanding self in a fuller light. This is because we have established a higher grade of self-identity and how the self reacts in society.

Speaking of consciousness, we also develop self-realization by taking notice of our actions and thoughts. Our perceptions are keen, which helps us to reshape misconceptions that lead to most of our problems in the first place. We recommend that you learn more information about how the conceptions of human beings play a large role in misguiding entities away from self-identity.

Learning is a part of life that only makes you stronger. Yet, one of the best forms of learning is known as observational learning.

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