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Things That Matter If You Are To Develop Self Confidence

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Things that Matter If You are to Develop Self Confidence

Man seems to have found many excuses that eventually help him develop insecurities. The sad truth though is that self confidence is often hard to be achieved and whenever it passes us by, we try to suppress it.

We treat ourselves severely while giving regards for other people. We laugh at our own mistakes while contemplating on how stupid we have become. We hate to see ourselves commit errors. We believe that other people can perform better than we can. We say to ourselves that we are ugly and incapable of doing things. The irony though is that people think otherwise. They view us as wonderful people who are worth admiration.

It is obvious that low self confidence can hinder us from our growth. It will always pull us down into the realms of mediocre life and dullness. It will make ways so that we would fit in the gaps of the non-achievers, the humiliated and the lowly people. There is no such world but because men tend not to listen to the voices that encourage them to believe in themselves, this world came forth to life.

The thing though is that experience and time are often good teachers, if we truly take them as such. We will live with ourselves for as long as we live with them. Our "self" will accompany us through the course of our life. Somehow, we would learn to live with it. To love it and to accept the truth that many things about it do change and develop.

It may not be out of our chronological age that we would mature but the fact is, we would still mature regardless of the time we would take.

Sometimes, development comes out naturally. Sometimes, we would need effective stimulation. Self confidence roots down from these two.

Development of self confidence may suddenly dawn on you. The realization would come as if something breathed life into you and awoke you from a long sleep. From your inner self comes the voice that would tell you what to do and how to do them. It would help you see the stock that you have- your talents, your skills, the crafts that you can do, the stuffs that you are really good at and all attributes that it can use to positively reinforce you.

This inner voice, in a sense, will lay everything in your front. It is for you to accept that these things are yours and must be used for your own development.

But as we have said, it would require stimulation before your belief in yourself materializes.

You may not have noticed it lately but you are talking with yourself. We all do! The difference though lies in the fashion of talking and words we are uttering.

Self talk may either be detrimental or positive. Whatever we say to ourselves will be recorded in our unconsciousness. This in turn would rely on more dominant beliefs we record. Thus, we frequently assert that we're worth nothing, or that we are the ugliest person or the most ill performing. It would create an environment in ourselves that would be ideal in pulling us down. However, the opposite is also true. We only have to take advantage of positive talk so that we would reap from the benefits of self confidence.
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BONUS : Thoughts on Improving Self Confidence

Don't be fooled. Even the most confident people have their insecurities and the most competent are flawed.

Though we may have dreamt of being the perfect persons we see in other people, we have to understand that nothing can be perfect. The things we would want to happen in our lives don't necessarily happen the way we want them to be however tactful our plans were. The very things we want to attain will not pass by us so long as we won't work towards achieving them. It takes effort to make things happen though.

And the self confident people have acquired their attributes not out of luck. An author once said that the most beautiful people do not just happen. They must know hardship, they must know suffering, they must know defeat, struggle and loss before they truly understand the depth of their worth.

Everyone is built for recognition, for achievement, for fame. The capacity to be confident of oneself was not given by random, it lies in all of us. Like with all other things we are in equal standing with that of the fellow sitting next to us. The difference though lies in our personal treatments of the capabilities that we were endowed with.

Initial development of self confidence roots from our childhood, the fashion by which we were reared, the opportunities that honed us to be the persons that we are and our reactions to the challenges that were given to us.

At a very young age, we already know how it feels to be humiliated or encouraged. At a very young age, we are already capable of giving interpretations with the way things happen to us. If at childhood we failed to react positively due to reasons like lack of or improper guidance, poor models and insufficient knowledge, it is likely that the succeeding phases of our lives will become dependent with how the things went during these ages.

But with age comes maturity. And maturity arises from the experiences we are encountering. Experiences, as we know them, are among the great teachers we have. Failure to take advantage of the experiences we encounter will only send us back to the same circumstances until we are able to spot where we have gone wrong. Therefore, we have no excuse that we were not given the chance to improve with each experience.

You see, improving self confidence is just a matter of becoming mature. If you will become complacent with the idea of setting back to lack of achievement and recognition then you will fail to comprehend that life is more than mediocre living.

Everyone can improve self confidence regardless of how we were in the past. What only matters is now- the present. If you would take stock of yourself and believe that you have the capacity to be anything and everything you want to be, you are sure to be a step higher towards achieving self confidence.

There are lots of ways that you may take to help you improve your self confidence. The keys are to have the positive attitude that anybody can do anything and adaptation of the belief that you can be anybody and you can be anything you set your mind to be.

If all else fails, remember the moments when you felt good because you were able to achieve something by feeling good about yourself. That way, you will be encouraged to become a better person you always wanted to be.

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"J'étais Timide... Version Subliminal Express"

"Comment Développer une Puissante Confiance en Soi"

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"Les Secrets de l'Attraction"
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"Gens Difficiles : Mode d'Emploi"

"Méthode Intégrale de Confiance en Soi"
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"100% Confiance En Soi"
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