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The Expansion Of The Social Self In Environment Learning

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Environment in Society and Self Identity

The Expansion of the Social Self in Environment learning

The development of the social self takes practice and skills to succeed. The development of self in environment learning can be done in due time using meditation, exercises or anything else that will help guide you in development skills. Focusing on this type of learning, since environment and society can shape our attitude. We want to shape our own attitude toward life. Still, we must keep positive.

Everyone needs social skills to give their best wherever they may be. School age children need to social skills to be able to make friends. As we age, we need to be able to socialize in the workplace, our homes, etc so that we continue creating helpful relationships with self and others.

Development of the social self in environment learning starts from the day we are born. Newborns learn to socialize in their environment surroundings by observing and listening. The happier they are as a baby the easier it is to socialize and fit in with whatever the environment they are in.

In order to be happy around others you need to be happy with yourself. When you do not like self, it is difficult to socialize with people and the environment. This means we need to advance various skills, such as communication, self-awareness, self-control, self-esteem, and more.

Some of the best practices to develop these skills include environment learning, meditation, exercise, yoga, and other natural activities. Setting goals will help increase your development skills in the environment that surrounds you.

Meditation helps you to relax and enjoy your self. It makes it easier to make better decisions and expand your confidence in yourself. Everyone needs to relax in order to feel happy and feel like a free person. When we are tired, we lose interest in what is going on around us. Being tired makes focusing on what is happening hard to do. This means you lose a connection with reality.

The development of self through environment learning may mean that you need to make some changes to like you as a real person as well as your surroundings. Practice relaxing with meditation. It will give you a boost of energy so that you can enjoy life and your environment.

Learn to practice yoga to help you expand communication skills, self-awareness, and confidence and so forth so that you manage well in your environment. Joining a Yoga class will help you relax and boost your communication skills by being around other people. You will meet new friends while you are working toward developing your self-identity.

When we exercise, we increase our energy. Combining exercise and goals will help you meet new people and give you confidence that you can succeed. Each goal you reach will give you more confidence to build stronger skills.

Development of social self and environment is a learning process. Practicing meditation, Yoga and exercising will increase your self-esteem and confidence. Therefore, consider what things help you to find you. Learn some proven techniques and use them. Instead of relying on others to shape your identity, learn to shape your own identity.

Environmental learning involves taking control of your awareness, actions, thoughts and so forth. Instead of learning like other people do by examining all the external factors that affect our person without giving too much notice, you will push forward with expanded awareness. Take control of your life today by developing your identity without allowing others to reflect on who you are, thus converting you to who they want you to become.
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BONUS : The Need for Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is a good source of mental health and good well –being and the need for self- esteem is as important as the need for mental development as the body craves for food.

It has been observed that individuals with good self –esteem are more assertive, relaxed and at peace with themselves, who live balanced lives and always crave for self- improvement.

These people are usually independent thinkers and their outlook, oftentimes, positively create an impact on other people surrounding them. Here are some common tips in maintaining a high self –esteem.

Optimism is very important, since it creates the atmosphere of positive state. In case things do not work out the way it should be, stop for a minute and think about how to make the most out of the situation.

Know how to differentiate between your strengths and your weaknesses. Having a good self- esteem does not mean not being helpless at times and needing help from others. Sometimes, we need all the encouragement that we can get especially in moments of weakness when we feel down and blue. After all, nobody’s perfect.

Know your fears and conquer them. Knowing how to confront your fears will help you overcome adversities and will make you more confident about yourself.

Assertiveness is also important in developing self-esteem, especially when faced with situations where it is necessary to say no. Not every situation in life merits a yes, and sometimes when faced with situations that call for one to say no, it is important to stress the point and drive your message home and be proud of that decision.

Take good care of your mind and body. Many self –gratifying measures deal with efforts to take good care of not just mental health, but also of physical development and attractiveness.

Self–esteem can also result from self –satisfaction and confidence. Set expectations with yourself, especially by setting goals and ambitions, which are good motivators that can drive a person to aim for success.

Compliment yourself and always willingly accept it from others. This is one way of telling yourself that you have done the right thing and that you have done good.

Do not eat too much or watch the news or violent movies before going to sleep. Always make it a point to sleep well, that way, you start the day right and refreshed as you carry yourself.

Having fun is as much as keeping and maintaining a balanced mood all throughout the day. This will keep an individual maintain a positive outlook and, ultimately, be also a good motivator to aim for success and development.

It can also help strengthen the immune system.

Make it a point to always release pent-up negative emotions, since keeping them inside may result to repressed emotions that could affect a person’s day to day mental demeanor. As much has possible, never try to be a perfectionist, especially in dealing with other people or even with the way affairs are being conducted.

After all, nothing is practically perfect in the world and sometimes, the sense of thinking that something could be flawed can turn out to be frustrating especially for perfectionists.

Lastly, surround yourself with supportive and positive people, and try to let go of people that you believe can pull you down or make you lose your identity as a person or an individual.

Understanding the need for self –esteem is important, especially if you want to know how to understand what it means to be a person.

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