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Ten Useful Tips To Improve Your Self Confidence

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Ten useful Tips to Improve Your Self-Confidence

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Self-confidence is an important key to success in any walk of life. People with self-confidence are noticed more. They achieve their goals relatively easily. In contrast, people who lack self-confidence often end up being losers. You too need to build your self-confidence if you want to do well ...

self confidence, self esteem

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Self-confidence is an important key to success in any walk of life. People with self-confidence are noticed more. They achieve their goals relatively easily. In contrast, people who lack self-confidence often end up being losers. You too need to build your self-confidence if you want to do well in life. Here are ten tips that can help you build that elusive self-confidence:

1. Self-confidence is found in people who have a healthy self-esteem. They know their personal worth, and act accordingly. A good way to improve your personal worth is to make a list of your accomplishments every day. You will be surprised to know how many positive acts you perform every day in life, but which you don’t notice. Once you start looking at this list, your self-confidence will boom.

2. Be clear about your goals. If need be, break your goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. Pat yourself every time you achieve a minor goal. It will boost you’re a self-confidence, and help you achieve bigger goals.

3. Find a mentor who can help you reach your goal. Most people, who have done well in life, have a mentor who has traveled the same road on which they are traveling today. Meet your mentor regularly, and seek his advice and support as a routine. You will find that you are learning something valuable every day.

4. Socialize with people who are positive and supportive, who like and respect you. Give them the same support and respect that they give you. Avoid people who are negative and critical of you. Such people erode your self-confidence. They make you look at your negative self, and not your positive self. After some time, you get enveloped in their cynical and negative world-view. Nothing can be more damaging than that. Dump such friends as soon as you can.

5. Pay attention to how you look. Take pleasure in wearing good clothes and being well groomed. It makes you feel good. People too look at you differently. Remember that every human being wants to be found in the company of smart, intelligent, successful people. You can soon be a centre of attraction if you radiate a positive, smart look. It can very easily make the difference between success and failure.

6. Don’t be afraid of failures. Take them in your stride and move on. Say to yourself that you will succeed the next time. Never make the mistake of allowing your failures to overwhelm you. They will force you into a shell, and destroy your self-confidence. A better way is to shrug your failures as something inconsequential, and take on a new challenge. Of course, you must learn from your mistakes, and be realistic about your abilities. People who try to over-reach often fall down. You should not allow that to happen in the name of self-confidence.

7. Keep yourself fit by exercising regularly and controlling your diet. A fit and healthy person is much more active and achieves more in his career. Physical fitness, like self-confidence, glows on your face.

8. Have a wide range of interests, and take an active interest in what’s going on in the world. Meet and talk to a lot of people. Don’t focus all your attention only on your work and on your problems. Divert your attention to new interests, and new tasks. This will keep your mind happily occupied, and boost your self-confidence.

9. Take part in activities that you are good at. You may have excelled at things in the past and then given them up due to lack of time. Return to those activities again and see your self-confidence grow.

10. Pick up a new hobby or craft that interests you. It will keep you occupied. It will also increase your self-confidence as you become more skilled in it.

Try to practice these tips as faithfully as you can, and see the difference in your life.

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BONUS : The Self-Esteem Test

Self-esteem is something we all have. Some have a higher one compared to others and if you know someone who has low self-esteem, you can help them change by handing them a self-esteem test.

One thing you can follow is the self-esteem test that is handed out by a specialist to a patient. This is made up of seven categories and it is only after that person answers it that you can find a way to build up their self esteem.

The first category in the exam is called procrastination. The purpose of the first section is to try and figure out what are the work habits of the individual. Does this person do things on their own or do they need a little push to get the job done.

The next category will determine whether the person is a risk taker or not. If you are risk taker, this means that you have high self-esteem and are optimistic about whatever life offers to you. If you have low esteem, you just want to play it safe rather than rock the boat.

Is it wrong to play safe? No but you have to remember that if you don’t do it, someone else will and you will probably kick yourself in the head if you found out that they succeeded in doing something which you planned to do yourself.

The third category will assess how well you cope with mistakes. Yes well all regret doing a few things in our life but have you moved on? Some people have and some people still carry it with them. Individuals with high self-esteem are able to overcome the failure in the past and get on the saddle again whenever they fall.

Aside from having regrets, the next category will check whether or not you generalize about a lot of things in life. When we generalize, we don’t give people a chance and stick to the belief that it if looks like a duck, talks like a duck then it is a duck.

But remember, each person we meet is different so whatever preconceived notions you have about someone are not real unless you give them a chance.

The fifth category will check if we have anger issues. What ticks you off? We all have our limits but some individuals are easily angered compared to others. The test will also figure out what causes it and so a lesson plan can be made to try and change that.

Some people can easily get along with others while some are shy which is why they don’t have many friends or have a difficult time keeping a relationship. The sixth category in the self-esteem test will determine how well you relate to others especially people you have never met.

Finally, the last category of the self-esteem will ask if the person is happy or not. Although self-esteem is all about accepting what you have and not thinking about what you don’t, some people can’t help but want more.

Again, there is nothing wrong with wanting more but you must never forget or take for granted what you already have.

After analyzing the self-esteem exam, you will more or less know what the person thinks of themselves and others. You can now figure out a way to change some of those misconceptions. You can talk to them or let a specialist take care of it. The important thing is that they change their ways.

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