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Assertiveness For Getting An Interview

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Assertiveness For Getting An Interview

It’s hard when it comes to getting a new job, but its mostly hard to face companies that won’t even give you the interview. When it comes to the interview it is your chance to sell yourself. You don’t want to miss the opportunity of showing the new possible employer that you are exactly what they are looking for.

The first thing that you will want to do when making the phone call is be pleasant, but firm. Do not use words like umm or like. You have to be direct in the reason why you are calling the business. You can start off promoting yourself, but most of the time you will only get the secretary who is going to pencil you in. This is why you need to give your name, the reason why you are going, and then ask them a question or two about the job. This way they already know that you are seriously interested in the job and that you are an assertive person who is going to get things done. Sometimes you are unable to call, but they would like to have you send a resume.

When you are sending a resume it can be anywhere between two to five pages long or however long it has to be to show them that you are fully qualified. You need to send an cover letter, even when it is not asked of you. Remember, the assertiveness will get you the interview. You will also want to sum important points up by using bold or italics. You don’t want to rumble on about yourself, but you want to make it seem like you have something to offer to the company. They usually will browse through the resume, however, they will usually read the first and the last paragraph of the cover. This is because they want to know your name and what you can do for them. Don’t use cheesy phrases for them to come to you for an interview, you will want to make sure that you get the interview by simply giving them an idea of what you are capable and what you plan to bring to the table.

It takes take much to get an interview, but it takes a lot to get an second interview. If you really want this job or just another job, you’ll want to take the first interview to impress. You will want to boast all of your accomplishments to the interview and you’ll also want to make sure that you start all of things that you have done that could benefit the company. You will want to leave the first interview by stating exactly what you can do for the company. You don’t want to leave without putting your mark on the interview. The once the interview is over you will want to ask when call backs will happen, this will show some of your assertiveness to the interviewer, and then you will want to do an follow up call. Rather you get hired or called back for the second interview, you should at least ask for the address on where you can send the thank you card. By doing the follow up with a thank you card, the company will be more likely to call you when things fall through.

When it comes to being assertive in an interview, you don’t want it to come off cocky. You can be assertive without being disrespective. You will want to keep the conversation going and you want to be conversation about the things that you say or do, including your fashion statements.
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BONUS : Assertiveness For Manager’s Success

It can be very difficult for you to be an manager, but it is even more difficult to show your assertiveness to your follow workers and employees. It is hard because you are being placed in a situation where you are the boss, but you would also like to bond with your employees and be friends. Sometimes the boss is not always your friend, but they can always show respect to all employees.

The first thing that you have to recognize is that you are the manager and you have a role of being an role model to others and you also have to recognize that you have an duty to serve as guidance to others. Once you realize that your employees are not just your friends, but they are your workers, you’ll feel better about being more assertive about the orders. You will feel a lot better about your job if you become assertive and firm with the rules. As an a manager, your role is to make sure that your workers have everything done on time and correctly. You will want to find the assertiveness to get your workers motivated and even pitch in so everything is done, if you don’t, then you have an chance of losing your job. The fear of losing your job will motivate anyone to take the opportunity to help out.

When it comes to being assertive you are going to find that you need to be assertive by caring for your workers and by helping them out when you need to. First, you need to be assertive as a manager to care for your workers. When you see that one of your works is having a bad day, you have to talk to them and communicate the situation with them so that they can work harder. You will also want to care for your employees and show them courtesy so that they will feel comfortable coming to you when there is an issue at work. If you keep the channels of communication open you’ll be able to have more productive workers. The second thing is that you have to make sure that the work gets done on time before overtime is given out. You may find yourself in a lot of trouble if you can’t get your workers to finish within a timely manner. This is where you have to take the assertiveness to give a hand and help your workers when they get backed up.

Those who are good managers are always being assertive and they are able to handle and take control of the situation. You need to make sure that you show your employees a firm voice and ethical role model. You need to be assertive and tell the employees what you expect from them and you’ll find that you’ll get what you want from your employees if you do everything with high ethics and respect.

If you are trying to be assertive, no matter what type of job that you have, you need to make sure that you always keep your ethics morally right and that you always show your employees respect. If you want your employees to work for you, you have to work with them. You want to make sure that you show your assertiveness to your employees and to your higher bosses. The minute you start showing some assertiveness you are going to get the employees to work with you and that higher-ranking co-workers recognize your hard work. Your assertiveness just might be the reason why you own the company some day. It is certainly going to be the reason why you get noticed at work.

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