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Shape Self In Society For Self Identity

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Shape Self in Society for Self Identity

Our self identity has a special place in our lives. Our self identity forms an intrinsic part of our identity and is an important area of study when studying about the intricacies of human nature. Each and every individual needs to acknowledge his self identity in order to make sense of the purpose of his life and for his own well being.

Realizing our self identity helps us to realize the main purpose of our lives and determine the kind of person we’ll like to be in our future. Self identity plays a very important part in determining the goals of our lives and greatly influences a person’s mind and shaping his general school of thought. The way a person perceives his inner self also plays a very important part in determining the course of action taken by an individual to achieve a particular goal and to constantly monitor, evaluate and redirect his pursuits. The inner self is responsible for shaping a person’s behavior, self-esteem, motivation and experience. It is responsible for building interpersonal relationships as well.

The society in which we live also has an important part to play in shaping up our inner self. The self of the society and the self-environment are connected with each other. Most of the people tend to neglect their inner self relating to the society and their immediate surroundings. They need to realize that self identity is an important part of our inner self, which allows an individual to understand his relationship with the world and himself in a better manner. Even if some individual refuses to acknowledge his inner self, he cannot possibly deny its existence as well. Inner self is present in every individual whether he acknowledges it or not.

A person can acknowledge his inner self by indulging in meditation and yoga. These exercises help an individual to calm his senses and realize his hidden powers and inner identity. It is very important for a person to realize his inner self and latent strengths and weaknesses in order to trigger the process of self-development.

A lot of people nowadays suffer from the problem of identity crisis. Individuals are so entangled in their hectic professional and personal work front that they get absolutely no time to discover themselves and acknowledge what they are truly capable of.

It will not be wrong to say that materialistic elements, such as individualism and egoism have made people wary of humanitarian traits, such as compassion and kindness. They tend to think only for their own vested interests. Philosophers believe that people are fast forgetting the fact that our self-identity and self-environment are intimately connected with each other. If a person becomes too self-obsessed with himself and starts neglecting the well-being of environment around him, it is impossible for him to successfully accomplish the process of self-development and find his self identity amidst the identity of the society and self-environment.

Our self-environment has also been suffering a setback as the number of crimes has been increasing steadily. People find it extremely difficult to trust the security and other social organizations, which delay the growth of society and self-environment all the more.

A person can even look around his environment and several elements in the society and try to seek inspiration for the purpose of development of his inner self and self environment. Seeking inspiration from our environment can help us to create awareness about ourselves and our inner weaknesses and how to overcome them. It helps us to gain self confidence and build faith over ourselves. Self identity of the society and self-environment share a very deep bond which can be only understand when an individual tries to accept himself for what he is, with all his faults and strengths.
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Simple Tips To Increase Self Confidence

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Despite what you might think most people have issues with their confidence and would like to be more assertive and care-free. In this article I write about how I gained more confidence and overcome some of the fears and phobias in my life.

self-esteem, self confidence, confidence, care free, improve confidence

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Despite what you might think most people have issues with their confidence and would like to be more assertive and care-free. In this article I write about how I gained more confidence and overcome some of the fears and phobias in my life.

Growing up I felt very sorry for myself as I had many things which affected my confidence and made life a struggle. I had a severe stuttering problem, was quite short for a male at five foot four, I had a bald patch on my head and was also quite fat. I would appreciate if you stop laughing at this point, I have had that all my life.

I was most desperate to overcome the stutter and aged twenty-two decided to try to achieve fluency. As well as looking into the physical aspects of speech such as breathing, I also studied the mental as I realised I needed to change the way I thought and my approach to life. I was someone who constantly worried about everything, I even had grey hair by the age of twenty-one.

I read many books on the subjects of confidence, self esteem and positive thinking. In one of these books, I read a chapter which explained about the fact that we all have issues in life and things about our person that we would like to change. That was certainly me, so I continued to read. There are many things in life that we are not happy with, some we can change, some we can not. The things we are unable to change, we have to learn to live with and to accept and the things we can change, we have to change however hard that might be.

I thought about this and because hair will never grow on the bald patch and the fact that I will never grow taller, these were two aspects of my life that I realised I would have to accept.

The speech problem and weight were areas I could change. To lose the excess weight and to overcome the stutter were not easy and took a long time. This though has changed my life to such a degree, where as a career I now help other people to achieve fluency.

Stephen Hill has a number of websites including:

Despite what you might think most people have issues with their confidence and would like to be more assertive and care-free. In this article I write about how I gained more confidence and overcome some of the fears and phobias in my life.

Growing up I felt very sorry for myself as I had many things which affected my confidence and made life a struggle. I had a severe stuttering problem, was quite short for a male at five foot four, I had a bald patch on my head and was also quite fat. I would appreciate if you stop laughing at this point, I have had that all my life.

I was most desperate to overcome the stutter and aged twenty-two decided to try to achieve fluency. As well as looking into the physical aspects of speech such as breathing, I also studied the mental as I realised I needed to change the way I thought and my approach to life. I was someone who constantly worried about everything, I even had grey hair by the age of twenty-one.

I read many books on the subjects of confidence, self esteem and positive thinking. In one of these books, I read a chapter which explained about the fact that we all have issues in life and things about our person that we would like to change. That was certainly me, so I continued to read. There are many things in life that we are not happy with, some we can change, some we can not. The things we are unable to change, we have to learn to live with and to accept and the things we can change, we have to change however hard that might be.

I thought about this and because hair will never grow on the bald patch and the fact that I will never grow taller, these were two aspects of my life that I realised I would have to accept.

The speech problem and weight were areas I could change. To lose the excess weight and to overcome the stutter were not easy and took a long time. This though has changed my life to such a degree, where as a career I now help other people to achieve fluency.


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