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Self Identity Of The Self And Society

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Self Identity of the Self and Society

Living in a high-rise environment whereas industrial leaders take some control of our environment is often difficult to maintain. In a world were government leaders determine our faith to a large degree, it is difficult to manage daily tasks, let alone cultivate our identity. The fact is most people are created by society, government influences, academic influences and various others.

In order for us to develop our own unique identity to discover self, we have to develop a higher grade of independency, or autonomous attitude. Only then can we rebel when influences attempt to create who we are.

We cannot work toward developing self-identity for self by depending on guidance from society. Instead, one must probe within self to discover his own identity. We all must build spiritual strengths, which allow us to take control and tread the way to the self-healing process. When the body and mind is healed, it makes our path clear, which moves us to self-identity.

One must continue to keep the facts in mind that there is a greater authority above us, which supervises all our actions and processes of thinking. This power gave us freewill and expects us to do what is right.

Free will is an innate gift from this supreme power, yet it depends on us to use our will correctly. Most of the people take advantage of this free will, employing it to indulge in any negative activities. Knowledgeable philosophers believe that this free will was created within us to allow each individual to develop his own individual personality or self-identity. For this reason, it is our duty to employ our willpower to free self from all the negative influences and tread on the process of development and success.

Some of the ways one could use his free will is noted in stress reduction tactics for self-healing and development. Stress reduction is a guide to self-development and is important for each of us. Despite that, we all are challenged by daily stress that sometimes seems out of our control, we must find the way to minimize this stress to make it easier to discover self.

Society places great stress on us from its influences. We must recognize this pattern and work to relieve stress by not allowing society take over our mind. One must decide what stressors are building up to the point it exhausts our body and mind.

One of the best ways to self-discovery is writing down your thoughts and feelings and then using what you learn to relieve the mind and body of stress. By writing down your feelings and thoughts, it should move you to take steps to make constructive changes.

If you find it difficult to make such changes, use the repetitive learning strategy to assist you. Merely repeat three times that you are going to make constructive changes to better your life. This is affirmatives in action, which will make it easier for you to see why you need to make these changes.

We must take control of stress to give us strength and make the growth phase easier so that we develop a new attitude in life. By repeating affirmatives, you will reprogram your mind to think positive and soon you will be doing things without even trying. Making decisions will become easier when you take charge of your stress and move to self-development.

Reducing stress some times, causes more stress but when you practice, using different strategies as guides to reduce the stress, you will feel better, since you will have more energy. When the body and mind is stressed, our energy level will decline and we become depressed and feel like a failure. As you begin to reduce your stress, your energy will increase and success will follow.
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BONUS : Self Identity: Who Are You?

Self-identity? Who are you really? We identify with many things, but this is just a process in our minds. In fact, this identification causes us to suffer.

Your favorite basketball team loses, and you suffer as though YOU lost. Your car is damaged and it feels like YOU are hurt. Somebody attacks who they think you are, and it is as though they could actually reach inside and poke at your true self. Is there a way to escape this unecessary drama and pain?

Perhaps, if you can see what you are not. Seeing this clearly can free you from much of the suffering that comes from identification. Try this simple meditation.

A Meditation On Self Identity

Get comfortable in a quiet place. Close your eyes, relax and take several deep breaths, breathing through your nose. Let your breathing fall into a natural pattern. Allow tension to drain from your body.

Now begin by asking: Where am I? What am I? Who am I? Let these questions sit for a moment in your mind.

Be aware of your body. Think of your leg. If you lost it, would you cease to exist? Are you your leg? Go through the parts of your body, asking "Am I here?" "Is this my self?"

Open your eyes and look around you. Are you those things? Maybe it you feel pain when your favorite chair breaks, as though it were you. But you're not that chair. Ask yourself which of these things you own are you. "Am I this?"

Close your eyes and say your name. Do you feel a sense of identity? What if you had no name? Ask "Am I really..." and say your name again. What's the honest answer? If this one is tough, say "I am..." and insert any other name. Notice how when you call yourself by another name, you feel differently. Your name-identity is a collection of ideas, something seen differently by you and others.

As feelings arise, ask "Am I this fear?... this pain, desire, sadness, pleasure, anger? Your feelings are not you - they just pass through you. Your clothes, your body, your reputation - none of it is your true self-identity.

Do this meditation for twenty minutes, then take a deep breath and get up. Notice if you feel different - less worried or less attached to things, feelings and thoughts. Do the meditation as often as necessary, to remind you of what you are not.


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