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Self Identity Methods

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Self Identity Methods
Methods to identify self in Society

Are you happy with the kind of life you are living? Do you want the things to go on the way they are going? If you are not happy with your life, then what is holding you back? We all go through highs and lows in life. Nevertheless, how many of us accept all the circumstances with same attitude? Probably majority of us are frustrated in our tough times and get carried away in our happier phase. Such an attitude is because we have no control on our lives. We are in actual terms only existing and not living. Every morning when we get up we have stress of reaching our workplace on time, then we work like donkeys and by the time when our work gets wrapped up, we are too exhausted. Once when we reach home, we sit before television. This is not the story of a particular busy day in our lives but we spend years practicing this ritual. As a result we are unaware of our true identity and inner self. Inner self is defined as the voice of god. It provides us direction that leads us to true happiness. Nevertheless, often in the fast pace of life the inner voice gets suppressed.

We are running rapidly to materialize our ambitions. In addition, are too busy to introspect and ponder upon our lives. In the midst of hustle bustle of life we seem to have lost our identity. Identity is the true reflection of an individual. An individual works hard all day to make currency and improve his standard of living.

Ironically, it is the society’s judgment of him that is most valuable to him. Everything he does is valued from the society’s point of view. The opinion of people around him overshadows his inner voice. In other words his life’s choices are a result of the society’s viewpoint of him. He may find real happiness while painting but because of the fear that he may be ridiculed for taking an insecure career as his profession, he won’t take it as profession.

Think for a moment and ask yourself that are you really glad leading the life as per the society’s benchmarks? Does your reputation, bank balance or job define you? If not then what defines you? What is your true identity? Possibly introspection and a little thinking will provide you answer. Normally, bank balance, property hold or one’s reputation in the society is considered parallel with individuality. Nevertheless, the fact is that your self is more than your accumulations in life. Thus, it is imperative that you realize your true worth and work towards your real happiness.

There are various techniques to attain serenity of mind. All the techniques lie within you. You have to make efforts to connect with your inner voice. Meditation is one method that has been used for ages to understand yourself. The art can be performed at any serene corner of your home and sit there cross legged with eyes closed. You are required to remain calm for about 20 minutes. When you are able to concentrate within yourself, ask yourself questions about the cause of your survival in the world. Ask yourself what the activities that provide you eternal happiness are. Eternal happiness means that you are always glad and contented irrespective of the circumstances of life. Practice this art regularly and soon you will see the positive change in your life. The pessimistic emotions, such as anxieties, fear, insecurities or worries will have no place in your life and will be replaced by feelings of kindness, love and affection.

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BONUS : Self Identity of Self in Society

The word ‘society’ refers to a collection of individuals who generally have common interests. However, they may have different culture or belong to diverse national identities. Therefore, a society may mean just a particular group of people of a specific nation or a wider term that includes many nations such as ‘western society’. It may also be a group of individuals that are bound together due to some cause. It can be religious, political cultural or many other thing.

It is the society that gives identity to an individual. An individual from his or her tender years is trained to accept the norms that have been laid by the society without raising any voice against it.

Otherwise, this may be a threat to the prevailing standards that has been laid long back by the ancestors. Even the toys that are offered to a child are biased according to the gender. A boy is always given toys like that of an airplane and a girl is always made to play with a doll or a kitchen set. Therefore, even the toys that are given to a child are the replica of their roles that they have to fulfill as adults in a society. Thus, we can say that society moulds an individual for its benefits.

Moreover, to make an identity for himself, an individual has to struggle hard to prove his worth in the society, so as to be respected by other people around him. Though the prevailing cut-throat competition and this desire to prove oneself has made people selfish enough to neglect the happiness of others at their own cost, but this shows the degradation in the inner self of an individual.

The individualism of a person makes him work for his own personal motives. The ego and the selfishness of a person stand above everything else in the society. No one at that time cares to think in the interest of the society as a whole. The increase in bribery and corruption in the world is a live example in front of us. For instance, nowadays a person would prefer it better to pay an amount than stand in a long queue to pay a telephone bill.

There is a need for man to establish his own identity but at the same time it is necessary that the growth of the inner self of a human being should not be hampered by it. The self should develop with experience and not be ruined by it. An individual should never compensate on his values and ethics to make his identity. In fact, it is these values that should guide one’s actions and behavior to achieve his or her aims in life. It is these concepts of the self that determine the ways of life of an individual. Thus, the ‘self’ is actually a construct that affects the behavior, motivation and self-esteem of an individual.

The criticism or appreciation that we gain from society for our deeds directly affects our inner self. It either soars up our confidence, or can also create depression and anxiety in the mind of an individual. It is this society that tells us where we stand and helps us recognize our talents and weaknesses. No doubt, society is judgmental in nature but in some way it is beneficial for the overall development of an individual.

The reaction of the society towards an individual sometimes takes him to the heights of success. On the other hand, it can also ill treat and bring him back to the ground reality the other moment. Thus, there is a need for an individual to maintain a balance between his individual self and society.


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