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Self Confidence 3 Things You Can Do When You Have None

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Self-Confidence - 3 Things You Can Do When You Have None

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Self-confidence is one of the keys to achieving success – you hear that everywhere. Most people think self-confidence is a result of success, but it’s actually an ingredient of success. How do you gain self-confidence so you can attract the success you seek?

1. Fake it!

Though it sounds ridiculous, faking confidence when you have none will actually give you some! Self-confidence is a perception held by you and others. If you act self-confident whether you feel it or not...

self-confidence, confidence, risks, self-doubt

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Self-confidence is one of the keys to achieving success – you hear that everywhere. Most people think self-confidence is a result of success, but it’s actually an ingredient of success. How do you gain self-confidence so you can attract the success you seek?

1. Fake it!

Though it sounds ridiculous, faking confidence when you have none will actually give you some! Self-confidence is a perception held by you and others. If you act self-confident whether you feel it or not, others will perceive you as self-confident and be more willing to follow your lead, take you seriously and listen to what you have to say. It’s the great paradox where confidence is concerned, almost a “which comes first, the chicken or the egg” situation. Have a little faith in yourself and soon you won’t have to fake it anymore.

2. Take risks.

There’s no need to fake confidence if you live each day like the day before. All of that is known territory – you’ve been there, done that. The most direct route to self-confidence is to take calculated risks and examine your results. Will you make mistakes? Absolutely, but those mistakes contribute as much to growing your self-confidence as your victories, particularly if you resist the urge to use them to beat yourself up. No one gets it right every single time and to require that from yourself is self-sabotage at its best. Start with small steps outside of your comfort zone and build your confidence step by step.

3. Stop doubting yourself by default.

We all have that little voice of doubt inside our heads. The trick is to learn when to pay attention to it and when to ignore it. I am a firm believer in “following your gut” and I’ve had to learn the difference between intuition and self-doubt. For me, what works best is to listen to what that doubting voice is actually saying. If its message is mainly lack of belief in your ability or your deservedness, then ignore it and forge ahead. As you gain self-confidence, you’ll hear from that little voice of doubt less and less often.

The dictionary defines self-confidence as confidence in oneself and in one's powers and abilities without any suggestion of conceit or arrogance. This is exactly what you gain when you fake it, take risks and stop letting doubt control your next move.

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BONUS : Self–Esteem Among Adults and Children

Little do people know about how parents have an effect on their kids, but studies have revealed that there is a strong correlation on self –esteem among adults and children. An adult’s outlook often has similar characteristics as it has with their children, especially on how they value their self worth, since parents with low esteem are more likely to encourage their children to give importance or value themselves highly as well.

Such problems could be devastating to children since they could grow up to be timid or shy, reclusive or less sociable.

This could even result to children growing up less sociable and detached from society, since confidence –building measures have not been introduced properly during the younger years that could affect relationships, careers and even the drive for success.

Adults should therefore be conscious about things that they manifest to children, since role-play is key to the growing up years of children, what they see in adults, they see in themselves. Self–esteem is important in children as it is important among adults, since it is helpful in helping them make sound decisions and fair judgment in the face of peer pressure, in the same way that adults deal with coping mechanisms in the face of adversity.

Self–esteem also makes children proud about being themselves and on things that they excel in, be it a skill or talent.

It’s what makes children gain acceptance among friends, compared to reclusive ones who shun off company and friends. Just like in adulthood, self–esteem is responsible for bringing about respect in an individual, so is the same with children.

The need or consciousness for self–esteem occurs the moment an individual develops rational thought and conscious processes, which is true among babies who still cannot determine or differentiate good from bad and are still not capable of rational thought.

Self–esteem becomes a need for people, the moment they feel the ups and downs of day to day situations and circumstances, especially in coping with those they feel as adversities of life in the face of social pressure or individual inner battles.

The older children get, they are tasked with the bigger responsibility of developing their own self –esteem, which can be governed or influenced by the way perceive it from role examples – especially in their own parents.

One of the best manifestations of self-esteem among children is a sense of humor, since it bespeaks of confidence and self- acceptance that is gauged by how they carry themselves in public or among a number of peers in a social group.

The sense of self-esteem among children is what helps them motivate to achieve more, not only because they crave for more attention or acceptance, but also they themselves would want to satisfy their inner conscience and feel good about themselves. A good self–esteem makes kids see things in a positive manner, makes them want to do more and always aspire to do the right things, that is, with the proper guidance and examples that is set before them.

As parents, always try to make it a point to always make it a point for their children to develop good self–esteem, because it is what shapes them for the future.

So by now, you see the importance of self- esteem among adults and children.

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