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Promote Self Worth For People Who Have No Self Confidence

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Promote Self Worth for People Who Have No Self Confidence

Many people would argue that too high self esteem is often a manifestation of low self esteem. This is very evident with those who go around bullying other people as well as the criminals who take pleasure in pushing people to disadvantage points.

These people tend to have unrealistically high self confidence which lead to uncontrollable impulses. Thus, their sense of self becomes exaggerates that at times, they are being blinded by the realities that they truly have no sense of self worth at all.

The problem now comes with identifying the real people who endure low self confidence, not those who have no self confidence. Remember that there can never be a vacuum in human being. Every place must be filled and so there is no such thing as no self confidence. Instead we can use too low self confidence.

Sufferers of too low self confidence are those who experience social withdrawal. This is inevitable actually since once the person feels his insignificance, he tends to isolate himself and build a word where he is best understood. He will find his comfort zones, which often led to situations that are convenient for him. These zones may not necessarily help him grow and recover from too low self esteem yet these will cerate environments where he is safe from critical eyes.

Another sign of genuine low self esteem is the emotional turmoil that often causes anxiety over things that for other people, requires no serious attention at all. However, this does not negate the fact that for the person undergoing low self esteem such things are vital in their being. This condition will also impede a person from making healthy decisions.

Due to their tendency for social withdrawal and lack of trust on their capacities, people with too low self confidence becomes anxious with their social dealings. Their disposition suffers such that they cannot take full advantage of what the society may offer them. Social dealings for them may serve more of torture than a good source of possible enjoyment. The majority of people with too low self confidence recognizes the potentials of what social skills might offer them yet they lack the control that will help them conquer their fears.

Many of us think that the immediate cure to too low self confidence is to compliment them with their capacities and for jobs that went well. Many resources now dismiss this possibility. In fact, they affirm that sufferers from this condition must not be praised everytime simply because they cannot easily accept compliments. This is the same with arguing with people who are so sure of themselves.

Unconfident people may not be sure at many things yet their belief does not falter when it comes to their capacities. They are most often than not, sure that they are incapable of doing things. Thus, even with them most convincing words, they would not be convinced of how valuable they are. The effective thing that would battle with this is to let immerse them to experiences that would make them realize the opposite. Such must be effective in disturbing their personal perception. Thus, self esteem must emerge subtly, not simply through saying how fantastic or great they are.

You see, better understanding of a condition will always result to the facilitation of cure.
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BONUS : Recognition of Self Identity
Realizing your true self in Society

In the fast pace of life people are running very fast to materialize their aims. They hardly have time to introspect and ponder upon their lives. Their day starts thinking about their responsibilities and at the end of the day they are too tired. In the midst of hustle bustle of life they seem to have lost their identity.
Identity can be described as the individuality of the person. It is the true reflection of the personality of a person. An individual works hard all day to earn money and raise his standard of living. The society’s opinion of him matters most to him. Everything he does is valued from the society’s point of view. He may enjoy playing music instruments but since he may not make much money in this field, he won’t take it as profession. In other words his life’s decisions depend on the society.

Think for a moment and question yourself that are you really happy leading the life according to society’s standards? What is your true identity? Does your reputation, bank balance or job define you? Probably a little thinking and introspection will give you very answer. Very often bank balance, property hold or standing in the society is considered synonymously with individuality. Whenever you meet people at a gathering, their introduction features their name and position they hold in jobs. However, this means that your individuality exists as long as you have a social standing or money. Nevertheless, the fact is that nothing remains forever. After a point of time you may lose your bank balance or social standing due to some unforeseen factors.

The key to your everlasting happiness lies not in your bank balance or job but within you. It’s your distinct individuality that provides you your identity. It is very essential to know your true worth and the purpose of your existence. Always follow your heart and do what your instinct suggests. Your intuition is the voice of god; you need not go to religious sites to seek solutions to your problems. There is god inside every one of us guiding us ways to lead our life. However, in the madness of tough schedule, the voice of instinct or intuition is often suppressed.

The voice of your intuition may be neglected but it is the guide to your true identity. Following your inner voice will provide you everlasting happiness. Possessing a new gadget, car or designer wear will definitely provide you happiness but the joy will be superficial. You will still have fear, worries of anxieties. You may smile but will not have peace of mind. It is ironical that you work hard to accumulate money so that you can buy things as per the requirement and live a satisfied life. Nevertheless, money does not buy you happiness. These very people suffer from depression and stress related problems. They find ways to overcome this depression but are not very successful at doing this. The interiors of their homes and offices are changed from time to time so that their mood remains good and energy levels high.

The need of the hour is that you meditate regularly to know your true worth. Select a place at your home and sit there cross legged with eyes closed. Remain silent for some time and then ask yourself questions about the reason of your existence in the world. Ask yourself what the thing gives you true happiness. Do this practice regularly and soon you will change the difference in your life. The negative emotions such as fear, insecurities or worries will have no place in your life.


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