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How To Raise Your Self Esteem Through Self Talk

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How to Raise Your Self-Esteem Through Self-Talk

Your self-esteem level can be precarious. It can go up or down at any point depending on such inane things like whether you're late to work, how your day is progressing, or what your boss just said to you. One minute you can be on top of the world and the next minute shot down to the depths of self-doubt.

It's no wonder that your self-esteem must be nurtured, but sometimes it's hard to figure out how to do it in a way that's best for you. Self-talk is the answer! What you say to yourself can make the difference between success and failure.

Unfortunately, people tend to be their own worst critics. This just means that you're more likely to be much harder on yourself for making a mistake than you would be for a family member or even a stranger. This doesn't have to be the way you treat yourself.

When you talk to yourself, say something you want to hear! Encourage and congratulate yourself even for the little things. When your self-talk is positive, your self-esteem can soar and you can maintain a healthy self-esteem through anything life can throw at you.

Eliminate the Negative

The first thing you'll want to do is analyze your current self-talk patterns. What are you saying to yourself?

Identify the instances where you're negative. You might be telling yourself that you can't accomplish something. You may be beating yourself up because you made a mistake. Or you may just be generally discouraging to yourself. Those negative patterns are wake up calls for you to start talking to yourself with tender loving care.

In order to raise your self-esteem, you must first erase your negative self-talk. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt, and start treating yourself with understanding. If you feel like you haven't accomplished enough, shift your focus over to what you have accomplished.

At the end of the day, you'll begin to feel proud of yourself instead of discouraged. It's just one step closer to being happy and comfortable with who you are!

Be Positive

After you've identified where you've been negative in your life, you can concentrate on the positive aspects. You have opportunities all the time to treat yourself right, and you can take advantage of them with the help of positive self-talk.

Consider the following tips:

1. Congratulate yourself. When you've done a job well, take the time to congratulate yourself. It's important to give yourself a pat on the back every now and then. Even if you haven't accomplished anything huge, you're certainly making progress. Reflect on how good it makes you feel.

2. Use affirmations. One way to bring positive energy into your life is to use positive affirmations. Affirmations are short positive statements that are written in the present tense. Say them to yourself often as a reminder of what a great person you are (because you are!).

* Affirmations have such a powerful ability to influence the mind that you should take advantage of them and practice with them every day.

3. Believe in yourself. Someone else can tell you that you're good enough to accomplish anything, but it'll never make a difference if you don't believe it yourself. It's the motivation and belief in yourself that will always pick you back up when you fall.‹

* Everyone deals with failure from time to time, but remember that it's a learning experience too. Maybe you'll learn something during a "failure" that gives you the knowledge to finally succeed. Consider it a gift in disguise!

When you take the time to be positive and patient with yourself every day, you'll raise your self-esteem. Allow yourself to be human, focus on the positive, and you'll go far.
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BONUS : How To Use Assertiveness In Building A Relationship

Assertiveness is the ability to be honest with your feelings and attitudes. You will also want to be open with your rights and your opinions as well. However you want to do this in a way that will be respectful to others and their views as well. You do not want to put someone down because of his or her own assertiveness. In fact, you can learn from others around you and how to become more assertive in your next relationship.

Building a relationship is going to take a lot of work. Some people think that it will happen over night. However this is not always the case. You need to be assertive behavior and make things work for both of you. You need to find middle ground between the both of you and not be a bully or a doormat at the same time.

There are a few things that you can do to work on building a good relationship that you can both profit from in life. When you are ready to use your assertiveness in a good way to get what you want, you should pay attention to the following procedures.

. Being dependent on you is important. You need to know that you are in control of your life and that you can make things happen for you. Working with someone on building a relationship is going be difficult but you can meet in the middle and make things work out to favor the both of you.

. Many of us use our assertiveness in a negative way. We have to use it as a positive tool in any relationship to make things work. Do not make it tough on the other person. You need to communicate and work through any problems that you may have from the very beginning. Once you work on these behaviors, you will feel better and be able to get through just about any problem that you may run into.

. If you are not assertive, you may be putting yourself at risk for depression. You do not want to be sad and depressed if you are in a good relationship. However if things are not working out for you, you may have to figure out something else to get out of the depressing situation. Your own mental health is very valuable and you should make sure that this is your number one priority in any relationship.

. Do not be a victim. Do not let your partner take advantage of you in any situation. You need to stand up for yourself and make your own feelings well known.

. Hold your temper. If you are the one that has a temper in the relationship, you need to recognize it and find a way to control the problem. When you are building a relationship, the last thing that you want to be is too overbearing and controlling. You need to use your assertiveness and all the things that you have learned for a positive energy towards the other person.

You should not be afraid to show your assertiveness. This is a good trait to have and you should be proud of what you did to get it. Being assertive in your life is the only way that you can make sure that you are taking care of your own needs as well as the needs of others. Do not be a doormat for anyone and take control over your life.

Building a relationship will take time, but with the right person, you will see that it will work out in the end. You may have a long road ahead of you but you can make your dreams of a great relationship a reality for you in the end.

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