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A Philosophy To Increase Your Self Confidence

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A Philosophy to Increase Your Self Confidence

Everyone takes pride with all the things that we posses. May it be the achievements that we had, or the present living that we were able to produce, each one of us has become an achiever on our own.

Many of us may have denied this truth though. But you see, it is obvious- everybody is capable of doing anything only if we give our hearts into it and we set our minds in doing it. No one is deprived of the capacity to enjoy life's successes. Only those who deprive themselves of these gifts are the sufferers. Are you among them?

Leave your answer hanging then whisper it to yourself. Whatever the output is, see to it that you would change things for the better.

If you can say that you are confident enough then good! But don't settle yourself with what's enough. There will always be gaps and you should cease the opportunities for improvement.

If, however, you answered no then don't tarry. Wasting your life to senseless whimpers of negativism would obviously cause you to regret everything at the every moment you depart.

How painful it would be to know that you were equipped with everything you need to achieve but dared not use them.

There was once a young eagle who happened to be raised in village of chickens. He was oriented to chicken living and was raised to believe that he is one of them. For long, he has been watching the eagles hover in mid air with their display of magnificence.

For each time that he stands in awe of these airborne eagles, he wishes that he was born like them. He dared not to spread his wings though yet everyday, his heart cries for soaring the heights eagles soar. He failed to discover his potentials and real self and thus, he died a chicken- ever longing to become one of those to which he truly belongs.

Every one of us is an eagle. We are all capable of flying to the maximum of our potentials. Unless we spread our wings and dare to discover our real self, we will forever be bounded by our failure to transcend heights and become the real people that we were meant to become.

Now, if we would only realize the eagle that is sleeping within us then we could have all lived a life of happiness and contentment.

We were all born entitled with achievements and successes. The Universe is too good for us that she took time to secure everything that we would need to soar. Don't waste this very opportunity by putting loads in your back so you would be delimited and thus, incapable of flying.

Be like an eagle who has unearthed himself from the mud of being a chicken. Chickens are meant for slaughter. In the same way, if we choose to be chickens then we would have to accept the reality that our purpose would be defeated. That is, to give glory to the Universe who has kept us in her arms and fed us with everything we needed.

Be like an eagle and live a life free from the damaging culture of the chickens. Be like an eagle and make yourself benefit from the confidence you can get from being a mighty creature.
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BONUS : Get Rich by Reading Articles on Self Esteem

That is not just a catchy title; you really can improve your financial situation by improving your self-image. By following the expert advice found in numerous articles on self esteem, you can enjoy not only wealth, but also health and happiness.

The Money-Me Connection

Money is an important subject for a lot of people nowadays. Being unsuccessful and having low self esteem are the compass points of a never ending downhill spiral that just keeps feeding on itself. You feel bad because you do not have enough money. Your poor self confidence lowers your chances of success. Do not let your current status affect your outlook.

Ask any successful person and they will all give you the same answer. If you do not believe that you will succeed, then you never will. You may think, “That is easy for them to say, they have already made it!” But all you need to do is look into the past of these success stories. Where they were in the beginning is not so different from where you are now. They did not start successful, but they believed that they would succeed. Confidence is a skill that anyone can acquire.

Not-so-Fringe Benefits

The benefits of improved self-esteem are not only evidenced in your work life but also in your personal life and health. A positive outlook lowers heart rate and blood pressure, and improves the efficiency of energy production. It is associated with decreased incidence of headaches, muscle pains, and digestive problems. Not only will you be wealthy, but healthy as well.

Another great advantage to having improved confidence is seeing the positive way that people around you will respond to the change. People are more willing to help complete strangers if they exude confidence and goodwill. Co-workers and superiors at work will be less likely to throw obstacles in your way, and will be more lenient if you make small mistakes.

Your loved ones will stay with you through good and bad times, but they deserve the best. Improving your self-image only validates your relationship. Who wants to be with someone who does not think they are worth loving or taking care of? Knowing you are an important and successful person makes them worthy as well.

Getting Your Feet on the Right Track

You may be at a point in your life where you feel beaten down and used up. You may feel like you have exhausted all your options, but that is never the case. There is always a way out of any hole, no matter how deep. The first step you need to take is to hope. Know that you can change your circumstances by changing the way you think about them.

The next step is gathering the tools you will need to change the way you think. Your poor self esteem was not built in a day, and it will not be unbuilt in a day. It has been built over years of disappointment and failure. It has been reinforced by poor habits and negative worldviews. It will take time and consistent effort to reverse these changes.

You can get help from many experts who have proven techniques. Look for articles on self esteem. They can be found online, in magazines, in books. Take charge of changing yourself for the better, and let richness into your life.

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