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How To Be More Assertive And Develop A Positive Attitude

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How To Be More Assertive And Develop A Positive Attitude

Being positive is very hard to do and it sometimes takes more than just assertiveness for you to become positive, but if you are able to find assertive attitudes then youÂ’ll be able to have a positive attitude. The key to being assertive is being focused. You will begin to lose your drive when you lose your focus, but if you are able to see your goals in the small picture form and the larger picture form youÂ’ll always be assertive or driven to reach such goals.

There are no written rules on how you can become more assertive. In fact, rather you are assertive or not will depend on the type of home you were raised in and what type of personality that you have. Those who are more outgoing and positive are more assertive and those who are assertive or more positive. This is because you don’t see the “I can’t’s” but you see “how can”. You see things in a more positive light. There are people who are naturally assertive and then there are people who lack the positive attitude to be assertive. For you to really show your assertive side you have to be very comfortable with the situation that you are in. You have to be comfortable with the people who you are communicating with and dealing with. You have to be comfortable with your surroundings. You also have to become comfortable with yourself.

The first step for you to become a better person and more assertive you have to work on yourself. You have to become comfortable with yourself and with who you are. You will have to be able to look at yourself and see something positive. You will have to keep a positive attitude about yourself if you really want to show others how assertive you are. You will never have the nerve to be assertive about anything if you can not appreciate the world and yourself.

You should also know that you will never be assertive if there is no one to believe in your dreams, your goals, and within you that you can do anything. You need to have someone to believe in you to make things seem so easy to obtain. You need to have someone who can appreciate everything that you do and everything that you wish to do. You should also think about having a support system. There are always people around you to help you gain the assertiveness needed to reach all of your dreams and goals. For you to be assertive you need to be driven, and the people around you are just some of the things that may drive you to become a better person or drive you to reach your goals.

Once you believe in yourself and you have someone to believe in you, youÂ’ll find that youÂ’ll change. YouÂ’ll become an totally different person This is because you have a sparkle in your eye. You have an goal that you need to reach and the support from others to reach your goals. Believing in yourself can do a lot for a personÂ’s career, personal life, and general good health.

For you to become assertive and positive you have to find confidence from accepting yourself for who you are and accepting others around you for who they are. You will also want to lean on the shoulders of others when you feel like you are getting off track. When you are confident in yourself you will show others your confidence and assertiveness. You will also increase the positive things in your life by becoming more assertive.
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BONUS : How To Be More Assertive And Increase Your Self Esteem

There are so many ways that you can become assertive and increase your self esteem. There are lot of things that will help you to become assertive, but you have to find something that you love. Once you find something that you love youÂ’ll find that the assertiveness and eagerness to go after it will push you. It is the natural way of learning how to be more assertive because you have the feelings that push you to do whatever it takes to get what you want. One you get what you want youÂ’ll find that your self esteem will also increase. This will help you increase your self esteem because you are seeing the rewards of your hard work.

If you canÂ’t find something that motivates you, you may find someone to help motivate you and youÂ’ll become more assertive because of it. ItÂ’s like you care so much about the person that they have an direct affect on how you feel about things. YouÂ’ll find motivation in your need to make them happy. This may not be the best way to get assertive, however, it will increase your self esteem when you see the personÂ’s face. Some people are lucky to have others that motivate them to find something that they want. They very lucky people who have someone to give them some direction, because otherwise you may get lost.

For those who are lost, you may just need to do an trial and error thing. This is because you may not know what you want so youÂ’ll have to play around until you find something that strikes your fancy. You may end up doing tons of crafts, changing jobs, and disrupting your entire life because you are trying to find something that will get you going. There are some people who need the motivation and there are some people who just are assertive.

For those people who are just assertive they find motivation in a lot of things. They find motivation in money, in love, and even some competition. Competition is a great motivator. YouÂ’ll find that not only will get you to become more assertive but it will also increase your self esteem. You will find that when you get your heart into something youÂ’ll feel ten times better about yourself. YouÂ’ll also feel better because there is something that you really desire. You have a goal and when you have goals you will find that your self image will look a lot better because your happy, your motivated, and your on top of the game.

If you really want to become assertive you may want to take some small steps on your own. At work, get your boss an cup of coffee. They will then notice that you took the assertiveness to do something that you werenÂ’t told and then they will begin to notice you. Assertive people are the ones that get the promotions. They are the ones that get the big bucks because they know how to work it. You will want to do some so stuff and eventually it will come natural to you. Then you will be the one that everyone is noticing and that will do a lot for your self-esteem.

ItÂ’s not hard to see a link between your self esteem and your level of assertiveness. You will find that the results of your assertiveness will make you feel good about yourself. You will want to become assertive so that you too can be recognized as a hard worker. ItÂ’s hard t get noticed, but if you take the time to show your boss that you are assertive, they will notice and appreciate your work.

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