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Achieving A Peaceful And Relaxed Home With Diy Indoor Fountains

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Achieving A Peaceful And Relaxed Home With Do-It-Yourself Indoor Fountains

Water fountains in indoor settings have become quite a buzzword among home decorators and owners like you in the last few years. This is not surprising, since indoor fountains give you a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere, as the water quietly runs in the fountain. Stores can attest to the popularity of indoor fountains. A look at stores in malls and on the Internet results in a lot of indoor fountains being sold. But what happens if you can’t find your indoor fountain of your dreams in the malls or in the various websites? Do not fret. Actually, there are many of you that do not seem to find what they think are the right indoor fountains for them.

Having a beautiful and elegant indoor water fountain does not always have to be the same with what other people have just because you bought yours from a store or in the Internet. And, no, you don’t want to pay for a fountain with an extremely steep price just to avoid having a commonly owned fountain. Try doing it on your own. The sound of the trickling water from a fountain you did might prove to be more peaceful and relaxing than the mass-produced ones.

I. Build Your Own Indoor Fountain

If you can’t find an indoor fountain in the market that could match your personal taste, lifestyle, and uses, why not make your own? Making your own indoor fountain is cheaper than buying it in a store or online. Generally, making one would cost you around $40. There are a number of variations available in making your own water fountain, but the instructions in making one are very basic.

II. Materials

- for base, you could use a waterproof container
- aquarium pump that is submersible; easily available in garden centers or at fish stores
- copper pipe with diameter of half an inch
- easy-to-use pipe cutter that costs around $2.50 only
- silicone glue - when this dries up, the glue becomes clear
- two pieces of elbow joints
- reducer that goes on top of your pump
- t-bar
- a copper piece
- beautiful and appealing rocks which you will be using for your foundation to stabilize the fountain and make the foundation more sturdy

III. Building Steps:

1. Put the pump into your container

Since the pump hole is relatively smaller compared with copper fittings, you must add the reducer. By this time, you are prepared in putting the first arm of your copper foundation.

On the pipe’s outer edge, put some silicone. Then put together the pieces one by one. Before putting the top pipe over it, you must have some holes pre-drilled. You can pre-drill using a drill bit with a one-eighth-inch size. This will make your fountain have the perfect flow. You must remember all the time that the copper frame size should fit snugly into your container, allowing the water to freely circulate.

2. Check if its top part is aligned

The top part is aligned if the water perfectly flows right into your container. Expect that the final arm will be longer since the pump will elevate it. Place the joint first, as this will make the arm secured. Measure then the pipe. Cut down the excess part.

3. Keep it stabilized

Adding a number of beautiful and large stones should make the weight heavier. After putting the large stones, put some small river pebbles. And then add water.

4. Go From There

Now you have the basic foundation for your indoor fountain! From there, you can design it based on your imagination, for the look of your fountain is limitless and depends on how imaginative and creative you can get. For just starters, you could improve your fountain look by putting dried flowers and grasses. Arrange them. If you plan on installing a fountain right inside your kitchen, you might want this example. You could create your base foundation using a used or old copper pan. Flatten it using a hammer. Then suspend the flatware using copper wire.

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BONUS : Acu Puncture For Relaxation-Reduce Pain And Relax

Acupuncture has been used for centuries by the Chinese to help the flow of Chi through the body. Acupuncture can help reduce pain, and muscle spasms, not to mention there is acu puncture for relaxation.

I have had acupuncture for all these things and it does work very well. There are quite a few spots on your body that will help you relax but the main on that I like the best is right at the top of your head. When the acu puncture for relaxation is done and they pull the needle out. You almost feel like you have had alcohol to drink. You can even get a little staggery and feel unbalanced you are so relaxed.

Stress creates blockages in your body and the Chi does not flow smoothly. Acupuncture helps remove those blockages so your Chi returns to normal and flows smoothly throughout your body. It may take several treatments to accomplish this though so be patient and just enjoy the sensations you feel after your treatment.

Contrary to some beliefs, acupuncture does not hurt. The needles are so small and the acupuncturist is so skilled that you rarely ever feel a needle going in. If you do feel the needle then it is usually because that area is in spasm or is bearing the brunt of your stress not because of anything the acupuncturist is doing. If this happens just concentrate on relaxing that area and soon the pain of the needle will go away.

The acupuncturist can even attach very small electrodes to the needles to increase the effect of the acupuncture. The electrodes are placed so they fire in a sequence that assists the Chi and gets it flowing in the right direction.

When you go for treatment be sure to tell the acupuncturist exactly what has been troubling you so they can pinpoint (no pun intended) the exact places to put the needles. Let them know if you are having headaches, other pain, if you are feeling depressed or anxious and even skin irritations. Stress causes any number of ailments and is usually treated by inserting the needles around the ear. This works quite well for reducing the amount of stress you feel.

Your upper back and shoulders is where you hold all the tension so some needle placement may be necessary in these areas also. I am not a skilled acupuncturist so do not take me at my word, I just know where I have had needles placed and the effects I felt when they were removed.

You are under enough stress do not stress about the acupuncture treatment. You will feel next to nothing when the needles are inserted and will feel wonderful when they are taken out. Wear comfortable clothes to your appointment. Depending on where the needles need to go you may have to change into a gown or some shorts so the acupuncturist can have unlimited access to your skin. And really do not worry, you will feel so much better even after one treatment. I know from personal experience that acu puncture for relaxation works.

"Méditation 3G"
de Claude CLÉRET

"Tout sur les Abdominaux"
de Mike GEARY

"Le Guide Complet Du Régime Végétarien"

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