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Relaxation Day Recognized For Refreshment

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Relaxation Day Recognized for Refreshment

A day to blow off the daily grind may not be officially on the calendar as a holiday. But, many belabored an exhausted workers have been celebrating the non-government, mandated Relaxation Day on August 15th for several years. It is thought that the origins of the day are tied into spas declaring it as a holiday, which is a forward thinking way of attracting business. Most people enjoy imagining a day to themselves at the spa, on the beach, golf course, reading a book, catching up on sitcoms, or just laying around doing nothing. This may sound like sheer laziness to the average wage slave, but it may help with workers' productivity in the long run. Recharging one's batteries can increase personal productivity and give a healthy outlook on life.

Time designated specifically for laying back may help people to let their minds go. It's a great time to focus on one's dreams for the future, and it gives the brain license to wander. If your job is more creative based it may refresh your ability to think outside the box and keep the juices of creativity rushing through. Those with monotonous or labor intensive jobs get a chance to relax their bodies and muscles and feel physically rejuvenated.

A relaxation day would be an excellent time for families to sit back and refresh themselves together. It would be wonderful if it was a recognized holiday so Mom, Dad, and the kids could reconnect with each other again. Far too many families are constantly on the go between work and kids' sporting events to really know each other. This could be a day for couples to bond with one another again and become more involved with their children. Possibly the family could have a time to talk on a deeper, less superficial level. This could be a retreat to instill the values, respect, and peace that every family needs to function cohesively. The sense of well being and refreshment such a day brings is invaluable and would make employees far more productive. Employers need to consider this day to be a "mental health day" for their employees that will pay great dividends in the end. Some people have been bold enough to recognize it on their own for years.
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BONUS : Relaxation Exercises Work Out More Than Muscles

Working out the body is something that is on the tip of the tongues of physicians, health experts, and workout gurus everywhere. The benefits of a good workout are heralded by anyone who knows a thing or two about health and how the body best functions. Taking care of the muscles and cardiovascular system is all good and well. But relaxation exercises may be what it takes to keep body, mind, and spirit working together to make people feel whole and functional. Without deep times of refreshment, the body can react in haywire manners affecting health and mental well-being. This is where techniques for letting it all go come into play.

Some of the most popular refreshment activities are breathing techniques. What is fantastic about breathing activities is they can be implemented anywhere in any situation. So, if the day is getting really stressful or panic and anxiety are creeping in, a good dose of oxygen will help the body to revamp and relax. The most effective way to breathe is to really focus effort into breathing. This may seem ludicrous since respiration is such a natural process in the body. But, focusing on each inhale and exhale will allow one to focus on the breathing will allow each activity to be executed with precision. It will also release the mind of worries. The technique works best if the eyes are closed. Pull in a deep breath using the diaphragm muscles through the nose, focusing on the breathing at all times. Then, breathe in through the nostrils for eight counts and exhale through the mouth slowly for eight counts. The only focus should be on the breathing and the technique itself. This will help to oxygenate the muscl s and release harmful tension and stress build up within the body.

Relaxation exercises aren't only about breathing and releasing tension in this manner. The muscles can be used as a conduit for stress relief. Ease into a natural posture that feels completely stress free. Slightly form a fist with the left fist just until you reach a slight point of difficulty. Hold this for a few counts then release the fist slowly. Repeat this activity with the left fist. This will allow the muscles in the arms to release tension. This repetition can be mimicked with all muscle categories in the body to ease away anxiety. The scalp, eyes, throat and neck, leg muscles, and feet can retract and release the muscles for a few counts to give a deep sense of peace to the body.

"Méditation 3G"
de Claude CLÉRET

"Tout sur les Abdominaux"
de Mike GEARY

"Le Guide Complet Du Régime Végétarien"

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